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1513 Results

#OPSPOV: Marketers Have Good Reasons to Go Programmatic

The chief finding from a Winterberry Group/IAB report on programmatic has been the subject of many conversations at AdMonsters lately: 99% of global publishers have some kind of programmatic offering. This runs the gamut from programmatic direct and private marketplaces to simply filling some unsold inventory via open RTB.Things are…

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Tools For Tomorrow: A Conversation With Neil Sweeney, President & CEO of Juice Mobile

For publishers, mobile is an itch spreading over greater sections of skin, tingling more ferociously every second. Scratching doesn’t make it worse, but certainly fails to relieve the symptoms. Publishers continue to struggle in their mobile monetization efforts: because there’s little incentive for direct sales to evangelize the channel (particularly when…

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Live Blog: Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge

Today marks the hottest day of the year here outside of Portland at the Columbia Gorge. Today also marks our first day of sessions at Publisher Forum. Coincidence? Maybe. But, we like to think the blazing ad ops leaders in the house had something to do with the record heat.…

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#OPSPOV: Native Is More Than a Laughing Matter

Several years ago – long before the native revolution – when I was the staff writer for trade publication called Mobility that reported on corporate relocation issues, the editorial staff was faced with a dilemma. Against the editor-in-chief’s objections, the sales team had included an editorial element within a package…

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PubForum Profiles: Dennis Colon, Condé Nast

Thirteen years ago, Dennis Colon took a job at Conde Nast that no one else wanted. Now as Senior Director of Revenue and Advertising Operations, he’s a major force in the sweeping changes that have shook up the media giant’s revenue business in the last few years. In the video…

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Six Tasty Takeaways From AdMonsters’ Massive OPS Event

I have just emerged from my sensory deprivation chamber following AdMonsters’ June 10 OPS conference – the stimulation of more than 500 industry players roaming four floors devoted to native advertising, multiscreen and technology was too much to digest. Just before I went into shock, Content Czar Rob Beeler guided…

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The Ad Ops Investment: An Interview With OAO

It’s hard enough overseeing the ad operations tech stack and processes of one publisher; imagine juggling multiple publishers. But that’s exactly the mission companies like Outsourced Ad Ops (OAO) have taken on – and they have to do it well enough to be profitable and grow as a company. While…

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