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1513 Results

Assessing Amazon’s Alexa Advertising Advantage

The big news from Amazon’s direction this week is that the digital powerhouse (“e-tailer” doesn’t really suffice) has been having conversations with some major companies about how it might rev up its advertising efforts in Echo devices. Because Echo is driven by the voice-recognition tool Alexa, we’ve been seeing this…

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The Native Chronicles: Mobile Referendum

This is the third article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the first article on the "creative revival," and the second on flexibility and A/B testing.   For a long time, you could not go to a conference on advertising technology without hearing mention of…

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Lift Tests Rising, Cross-Platform Addressable

Lift Tests: The Next Programmatic Trend? Among advertisers, especially performance advertisers, lift tests are on the rise, AdExchanger reports. Performance advertiser are feeling some heat to justify ROI for all their activities, which is why they’re looking at measuring incremental lift in whatever channels they’re spending in. One reason for…

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Punching Above Your Weight: Can You Compete With Facebook in Video?

We're all aware the digital ad marketplace is currently dominated by just a couple of massive companies--and you know exactly who they are. One evergreen issue for publishers is the question of how to navigate this dynamic: Working with Facebook and Google is practically a necessity, especially where distributing your…

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Best Of AdMonsters 2017

Throughout 2017, the discussion on the AdMonsters site, at our events and on our listserv has spun off in countless directions. A person has to wonder: Was there ever a time when it seemed the industry focused on one or two issues at a time, or do we just have…

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TAG Certified Channels: The Next Stage of Certification

(AdBeeler is a monthly column from AdMonsters' Chair and PubForum legend Rob Beeler.) Get ready to add a new phrase to your ad tech lexicon: TAG Certified Channel. Remember the beginning of 2017? If a full flashback on the events of this year is too painful, I’ll remind you that…

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Hey Digital Media Doomsayers—Did You Forget About Ad Fraud?

Repent, sinners, because the digital media apocalypse is now upon us. Even outside the trades, the news is awash in talks of corrections; discourses on the failure of advertising and why subscriptions are the only option; and pre-emptive surrenders of souls to the Duopoly. I hear bunker sales are through the roof…

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Feeling Validated: Ad Reform Talks Ads.txt

Ads.txt landed in the digital media world circled by a lot more confusion than you'd expect from a text file. Although the goals of rendering domain spoofing worthless and cutting down on arbitrage were quite noble, the approach was almost too simple for an industry that revels in complexity. Fortunately, the folks at…

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