Search results for brand safety

1513 Results

AdMonsters Webinar: Future-Proof Your Rate Card

AdMonsters Webinar: Future-Proof Your Rate Card from AdMonsters on Vimeo. Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 1:00 PM EST When you’re thinking about optimizing your revenue and managing relationships with buy-side clients, you need an dynamic and responsive rate strategy. Advertisers’ and agencies’ needs can change suddenly—moving from content-based buys to audience…

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Who’s at Risk From Facebook’s News Feed Changes?

Back on Jan. 11, Facebook announced it was switching up its news feed algorithm to prioritize original posts from users, and to de-prioritize links to news stories. Following uproar and confusion from publishers and marketers about how much good or ill that will do to users, Facebook came back this…

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The Gap Between Real and Perceived Brand Safety Issues

The discussion around brand safety has risen from a murmur to a prolonged roar, and it doesn’t seem to be quieting down anytime soon. In part, that’s because more issues and more sub-threads keep getting pulled into that discussion. My colleague Gavin Dunaway wrote a bit about this recently, and…

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Targeting Consent Is a Publisher/Vendor Team Effort

Retargeting companies were in the industry trade headlines last week, as a couple of the leading retargeters had made efforts to allow users to opt into having their data collected. There are a few timely issues these companies are trying to address—Apple’s limits on the amount of time it’s acceptable…

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Report From CES: The Reality Behind the Dream

Not the CES update you want, but maybe the CES update you need. January brings with it cold weather, year-end reconciliations, lower post-Q4 CPMs, and CES. This year I had an audacious plan: I’d go to CES and actually go to CES. You know – the actual show, not just…

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AI Lights the Way for Brand Safety

I recently noted the cyclical nature of ad tech issues, and nowhere has that been more apparent than in brand safety's reappearance in the forefront of advertisers' and publishers' concerns. As technology and content have evolved, we need to reconsider just what fits under the brand-safety umbrella in 2018 (something we'll discuss…

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Data Leakage Is Real, Video Ad Activation Is Complicated

Agency Insider: Yep, We're Buying Publishers' Data Indirectly Digiday’s “Confessions” series most recently brought us a chat with a programmatic buyer at an ad agency. For publishers who fret over how much valuable data they’re losing to wily buy-siders, this more or less confirms several of their fears. The buyer…

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The Limits of Automation

Ad tech is an awfully cyclical industry. Ghosts of the past come back to haunt us all the time, whether they be ad fraud or brand safety. A Daily Beast story detailing how apps leveraging the Facebook Audience Network found themselves knee-deep in complaints about offensive ads thanks to an e-commerce…

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Can Sandboxing Defeat Redirects?

(Editor's Note: Hear more about sandboxing iframes and ad quality at this special attendee session during the PubForum Huntington Beach, March 4-7, 2018.) Recently, premium publishers have reported an uptick in malicious ads on their sites—particularly pesky mobile redirects, the never-ending scourge. While pubs’ first response tends to involve tracking…

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DSP Hidden Fees, Retargeters and Consent

DSPs Hidden Fees Dragged Into the Light AdExchanger published a lengthy explanation of the infamous hidden fees DSPs sometimes charge. It's common knowledge in the industry that DSPs are often inclined to take a cut off of the transactions they enable, and then add extra fees on top of that.…

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