Thoughts on Last Week’s Network Ad Ops Forum

Last week, AdMonsters hosted our second EU Network Ad Ops Forum. This event is quite unique with it’s focus specifically on the ad operations issues for those who manage networks. It’s a new event but the attendees showed themselves to be true “monsters” diving into the discussions, sharing best practices, tips and tricks. The feedback we’ve received has been very positive and we look forward to more Network Ad Ops Forums in both the US and in Europe.

We cover a lot of ground over the course of the day, but there were a few things that stood out to me as emerging themes that continually popped up.

“Everyone wants to be a network.” George Odysseous from Tribal Fusion kicked off the discussion with his keynote, “Are You a Next Generation Network Ad Ops Leader?” and gave an overview of the landscape that networks exist in. Networks play a vital role of reducing friction between buyers and sellers but both buyers and sellers as well as new players have targeted this position in the market as an area to expand their own offerings. George’s presentation outlined these network challengers and provided guidance on how network ad operations is becoming more and more important – not just for success but for survival.

A proactive approach to content policing.
Verification services or content policing companies have quickly emerged as the hot topic in the industry and specifically for ad operations leaders. What was of particular interest to me was the proactive approach IASH has taken. IASH is encouraging its members to investigate the various services and work as a group to collect the information to make informed decisions about the methodologies and offerings they provide. It’s a recognition that to bring more ad spend online, it behooves everyone to back up their assurances of content safety with an additional layer of technology. IASH member or not, networks need to make sure they are engaging with verification service providers and deciding how they they will work with them sooner than later.

Growth brings its own challenges.
The challenges of growth applies to many things for network ad ops professionals be it staff size, inventory or competition. What was clear throughout the day is that networks need to be nimble and they need to focus on technological and operational excellence to continue to grow. Since many networks work with proprietary systems, it’s key for ad operations to help bridge the needs of business and technology to move forward. It’s a unique challenge for network ad ops people and we’re glad to bring them together to discuss best practices.

AdMonsters is already working on our next Network Ad Ops Forums and we look forward to the discussions ahead.



Rob Beeler is Vice President of Content and Media for AdMonsters and has worked in Ad Operations for over ten years. Rob started attending AdMonster events in 2004 as a member. In his role, Rob develops content for events, training classes and the website and works with AdMonsters members to share best practices and innovation in Ad Operations with their peers.

Rob Beeler joined AdMonsters in October 2008 after nearly 10 years at Advance Internet, a leading creator of local news and information web sites across the United States. At Advance Internet, Rob started as the only Ad Operations person and developed a department of 15 people in 8 locations across the country responsible for operations, project management, business development, web analytics and financial reporting, becoming Executive Director of Ad Operations and Analytics in early 2007. Prior to Advance Internet, Rob held a number of positions related to advertising and publishing ranging from electronic prepress to an ad agency multimedia specialist. Rob graduated from Syracuse University in 1990 with a dual major in Producing for Electronic Media/English. Rob currently resides in Hazlet, NJ with his wife Nancy and their three children.