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Lift Tests Rising, Cross-Platform Addressable

Lift Tests: The Next Programmatic Trend? Among advertisers, especially performance advertisers, lift tests are on the rise, AdExchanger reports. Performance advertiser are feeling some heat to justify ROI for all their activities, which is why they’re looking at measuring incremental lift in whatever channels they’re spending in. One reason for…

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Chrome Gets Into the Ad Blocking Business for Real

A few months back, Google announced it would be equipping an ad blocker—or something like an ad blocker, maybe more like an ad filter—into newer versions of Chrome. The new Chrome feature would filter out ads deemed overly intrusive to the user experience. At the time, Google suggested it would…

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Could Chatbots Kill the Search Advertising Star?

I can’t say I was surprised by findings from research firm L2 Marketing that Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is more likely to push Amazon Prime products on users seeking a variety of wares. There’s nothing scandalous in that—if I had an Alexa, I’d probably want it to look for Prime…

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What Are Better Ads Standards?

Better Ads Standards are an initiative for promoting “acceptable” ad experiences for users, while discouraging disruptive ads. The overall goal, as stated, has been to keep the spread of ad blocking tools at bay, by assuring the ads in the ecosystem are not so annoying they drive users to start…

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The Duopoly as Carriers?

I found it bizarre that the same day that the IAB released digital advertising revenue numbers for 2016 that point to Google and Facebook—the Duopoly!—vacuuming up about half of ad spend and almost all of growth, ESPN conducted layoffs of 100 mainly editorial employees. As several sites noted, most of those…

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Last Stand for Google’s “Last Look:” What’s Next?

In an end-of-week post, AdExchanger reported this afternoon that Google had abandoned its “last-look” practice in exchange bidding. The old Google last-look advantage allows AdX the chance to outbid whichever demand source would have otherwise won in a programmatic auction, prior to sending a request to Google’s ad server. Famously,…

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The Duopoly Dominates, But For How Long?

The latest eMarketer estimates on US digital advertising are out and, yeah, there’s some stuff to grimace about. The infamous duopoly is expected to rake in more than 50% of US display spend (desktop and mobile) in 2017.According to eMarketer, Facebook will grab 39.1% of the display market in 2017,…

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