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1286 Results

The State of SSPs: Classic vs. New

The Forrester Wave report on Sell-Side Platforms sets the stage for the publisher ecosystem in 2012 by labeling SSPs a “vital part of the publisher tech stack.” The SSP is an increasingly necessary tool for managing and optimizing a plethora of indirect sales channels – oh, and making sure they’re…

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The Audience Futures Marketplace: Q&A With Yoav Arnstein, CEO and Cofounder, Legolas Media

 Offering further proof of how much online display technology is inspired by the financial industry, Legolas Media announced numerous agency partners, including Horizon Media, on board with its audience futures marketplace. Employing a complex algorithm that incorporates 10,000 data points regarding audience targeting, Legolas enables publishers to sell guaranteed inventory…

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Three Pillars of Success: Process

 Several months ago, the AdMonsters Professional Services team started a series on the Three Pillars of Success and outlined how People, Process and Technology must all be present to support and drive your organization forward. While I believe the People pillar is the most important, the Process element should not…

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OPS Mobile Live Blog – NYC, December 7th

 The AdMonsters US Content Team, Gavin Dunaway and Maria Tucker, are excited to bring you this live blog from AdMonsters OPS Mobile at NYC's Metropolitan Pavilion. Stay tuned to see what's rocking the mobile ad world! GD8:30 – Sipping a piping hot cup of coffee, nibbling on a croisant and watching…

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The Private Exchange Phenomenon

It seems like every week or so, we get to read another headline about a publisher launching a private exchange on someone’s real-time bidding (RTB) platform.  Some would have you believe that private exchanges are a technological marvel; the greatest thing for publishers since the printing press.  I want to…

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GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out

Since our industry loves acronyms and we have all of this conversation around data, this seems fitting for the new acronym of the month(s). What exactly is GIGO, it’s a term coined in the technology space for a computers ability to process even the most corrupt piece of information and…

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Rethinking Ad Operations For the Future

From Cost Center to Profit CenterFor any company that deals in digital advertising, ad operations is where the rubber meets the road. No matter how great the revenue opportunity, no matter how sweet the deal—no one profits until ops moves the ball over the goal line. And the faster, smarter,…

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OpenRTB Consortium

As much of the industry knows by now, we were honored to announce our participation in the newly formed OpenRTB Consortium earlier this month. With more and more publishers looking to real-time bidding (RTB) as a key source of demand for their inventory, it’s critical to have the right standards…

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Publisher Forum

Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow. Breaking News & UpdatesFollow the discussion on Twitter @AdMonsters #publisherforum -Look below for speaker's twitter handles Last chance to register! Get inspired. Join the conversation. Take a look at the Speakers and Sessions below About the Publisher Forum "This conference is by far the most productive and inspiring that…

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OpenX presents “The Power of Revenue Serving” at AdMonsters OPS

On Thurs, Sept. 30th at 3 pm, OpenX Chief Technology Officer John Linden will address the AdMonsters OPS conference in a session entitled, The Power of Revenue Serving.  Learn more here.He’ll highlight the big challenges publishers face today: revenue pressures, sales channel control problems, revenue optimization complexity, growing buyer leverage…and…

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