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1513 Results

Q and A With AdMonsters OPS Presenter Universal McCann VP Mitchell Weinstein

Editor's note: This article originally appeared on DIGIDAYDaily.Mitch Weinstein is the Vice President, Director of Digital Ad Operations at UM/J3, where he oversees trafficking, reporting, and overall campaign management and implementation.  He focuses on the latest in ad serving and targeting technologies, ensuring that clients are maximizing their budgets, reaching…

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Q & A with AdSafe President and Co-Founder, Kent Wakeford

 AdSafe launched an ad verification platform for ad networks and publishers called the AdSafe Network Monitor®. Read the press release. We asked Kent Wakeford of AdSafe a few questions about the new product.To date “Ad-Verification” services have primarily been used by Agencies and Brands. How do you foresee this product…

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Edward Montes of Havas Media: How Digital is Failing Marketers

Edward Montes is EVP, Managing Director of Havas Digital US, the interactive network of Havas Media. He develops and leads Media Contacts US and Canada, managing MC staff in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago and Toronto. Prior to Havas Digital, Edward worked at Yahoo! Inc. where he was Director…

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Five Places Advertisers should turn “Or” into “And”

Especially in this economy, it’s clear that there are pressures on everyone in the advertising ecosystem to do more with less. This leads to advertisers (or their downstream reps, ad buying agencies) trying to figure how to allocate resources in the most effective way possible.  But some of the thinking…

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3 Things Publishers Need to Know About Rich Media

The world of creative in online advertising is constantly evolving. It seems that every month we’re reading about new types of creative that can be implemented on a publisher’s web site. While many still use plain images to do their advertising (and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that!), we are…

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5 Questions for Ed Montes of Havas Digital

Edward Montes will be presenting a keynote address When will Online Advertising Evolve? at OPS US in New York on September 30, 2010. In advance of the event we talked him a few questions about the evolution of online advertising.Q: Please tell us a bit about what you are doing…

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Questions for Matt Barash of Fox Audience Network

Matt Barash, Director of Publisher Development at Fox Audience Network, will be speaking at the US Network Ops Forum in San Francisco on June 17. In advance of his presentation we spoke with him about data and related techonologies.Q: Please give us a little information about your background in the…

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