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Thoughts on the US Leadership Forum in NYC

I hope everyone who attended the US Leadership Forum in New York this past week found it enjoyable and valuable. As always I was in awe of being surrounded by so many smart people. Events such as the Leadership Forum are such a great way to not only learn from…

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Cookie Synching

Editor's note: This article was originally posted on the Krux Digital Blog.Overview Cookies are the primary mechanism by which publishers, advertisers, ad networks, ad exchanges, demand side platforms and data exchanges store and track information about users. Cookies are domain specific — in other words, a Cookie set by domain…

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The Challenge of Scaling an Adserver

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Mike On Ads.So much of our time these days is spent talking about all the new features & capabilities that people are building into their adserving platforms. One component often neglected in these conversations is scalability.A hypothetical ad startupHere’s a pretty typical story.…

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Member Profile: Robert Deichert Jr.

The AdMonsters community is comprised of the top Ad Operations professionals in the industry. In a new feature for our site, we'll highlight members and ask them about what they are working on as well as their thoughts on a variety of topics.This week we feature Robert Deichert Jr., Senior…

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AdMonsters partners with Digital Media Measurement & Pricing Summit

AdMonsters is proud to be a Media Partner of the Digital Media Measurement & Pricing Summit. Now in its third year, this event is uniquely designed for brands and agencies to optimize return on digital media investments. Happening on April 7 and 8 in New York City the summit provides…

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A Salute To Out of the Box

Editor's Note: This blog article originally appeared on the Unicast Blog.Our clients are always in search of the next big thing, the out-of-the-box solution that will make a big impact. I’ve seen some great out-of-the-box executions both from our internal clients and out there on the web as a regular…

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  New YorkSeptember 30, 2010 OPS is for online advertising leaders. tackle the big issues and learn to leverage operations for increased profitability. About OPS "Unique and relevant to decision makers in Ad Operations" The fourth quarter of 2009 was the largest quarter on record for online marketing. Spending reached…

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Online Display Advertising Solved! Ad Operations Teams Rejoice!

The advertising world rejoiced today with the announcement that the complexity of buying and selling online advertising had been solved. The company X, formerly known as The Doubleyieldmeldmatictail Project, has been working secretly for months with a select group of agencies and publishers to beta test their products, BUD (Buy…

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Improving Ad Ops Efficiency through Technology

We’ve all been there; you just received the third party ad server report(s) for the campaign that, according to your ad server, has been delivering on target, only to discover that the third party report is showing under delivery.  The problem is that you’re billing the client based on their…

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Member Profile – Dirk Fiebig

The AdMonsters community is comprised of the top Ad Operations professionals in the industry. In a new feature for our site, we'll highlight members and ask them about what they are working on as well as their thoughts on a variety of topics.This week we feature Dirk Fiebig, Director of…

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