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Publisher Forum

 Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow.Breaking News & Updates This event is now sold out. Any registrations from now on will be placed on a waiting list to attend. Register as normal for the waiting list. About the Publisher Forum "AdMonsters is 100% relevant to my daily job functions. It is the most…

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Publisher Forum

Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow. Breaking News & UpdatesFollow the discussion on Twitter @AdMonsters #publisherforum -Look below for speaker's twitter handles Last chance to register! Get inspired. Join the conversation. Take a look at the Speakers and Sessions below About the Publisher Forum "This conference is by far the most productive and inspiring that…

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The mission

In this 'from the desk' blog I want to bring to the larger AdMonsters community some of the things we are seeing and learning in our work across the industry. AdMonsters Professional Services consults with Publishers, Agencies, Adnetworks, and Ad technology companies across the US, Europe and the UK and…

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HTML5 Advertising FAQ

Editor's note: This article was provided by Jack Wallington, head of industry programmes, IAB UK and Lynne Hunt, head of ad operations, The Guardian. It is reposted from the IAB site with permission.This page is a status update about the use of HTML5 in advertising from major publishers, ad networks…

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OPS – London I

Grange St Pauls, London OPS is for online advertising leaders. Tackle the big issues and learn to leverage operations for increased profitability. Breaking News & Updates  Ben Wood MD, iProspect to replace Louisa Wong for iProspect's session Significant discounts available from our Associate Sponsors: AOP UK, IPA UK, OPA EU…

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What you need to know about Semantic Ad Targeting

The Semantic Web is a visionary concept which has been gaining traction over the last decade. According to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international community with a stated mission to lead the web to its full potential, the semantic web provides a common framework that allows data to…

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AdMonsters EU Publisher Forum XV Underway

Over 50 ad operations and technology leaders from nearly 40 media owners have gathered in Brighton, UK for the 15th AdMonsters European Publisher Forum. The sold-out event is off to a strong start with a keynote address by Tim Hussain, Head of Mobile Advertising at BSkyB. Tim's session, "Digital in…

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A dozen reasons why OPS is sexy

The world of online advertising operations and technology came together yesterday at the first OPS conference. We at AdMonsters knew it was time for an open forum exclusively dedicated to online ad ops, and it was a huge success. I heard tons of great feedback throughout the day, including my…

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Live from OPS

 Couldn't make it to OPS? Check out the event updates from AdMonsters OPS - all times Eastern. Thanks everyone for making it a great event!9:00 am  -- Welcome to OPS! After a very creative opening and introduction from Bowen Dwelle and Matt O'Neill we are already feeling this isn't your…

Read More’s New Product Helps Advertisers Create Facebook Ads More Efficiently

Today demand-side platform, Inc., announced the release of (, a multivariate text and image advertising optimization platform which allows clients to quickly and efficiently test thousands of ad variations via a single interface. According to the release, is participating in the Facebook Advertising API Beta program and…

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