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2516 Results

Register Now for Where 2.0!

AdMonsters not only produces events, but we attend them as well and one of the coolest is the O'Reilly Where 2.0 event in San Jose. We are pleased to announce that we can offer a discount you a discount to attend! The Event: O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference 2009 May 19-21,…

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You Have a Late Creative Policy Whether You Like It or Not

As we've been approaching our Online Technical Forum this Thursday April 23rd at 11am EST, the response that I've received about this particular topic has been very interesting. For many, there is great interest in somehow moving the ball on this issue. For others it's a foregone conclusion that publishers…

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Thinking about bringing your ad server platform in-house?

When selecting an ad platform, publishers must chose between selecting an ASP solution or hosting an in-house solution. For in-house solutions, publishers must also decide if they are going to build it or buy it. Here are some key considerations when entertaining an in-house ad serving platform. In-house solutions require…

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Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like These

Peter Naylor, SVP of NBC Universal referenced John Lennon's lyrics "Nobody told me there'd be days like these" during his keynote presentation at AdMonsters' 20th Publisher Forum in New Orleans last week. The fact that we are in uncharted waters certainly permeated the entire event, but everyone was focused on…

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Overall Impressions from New Orleans

Over the next several days, we're going to recap some of the key themes and takeaways from our 20th Publisher Forum in New Orleans last week. It was another 'best yet' event for us and with everything going on in the industry today, it could not have been better timed.…

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Ready for New Orleans

Our 20th US Publisher Forum kicks off this weekend and I've been working with the members and sponsors on their presentations, helping develop what I think will be a 'best ever' event for us in New Orleans. Our speakers have done an amazing job of producing their presentations as all…

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Taking on Targeting

All advertisers want to deliver the right message to the right audience.  Agencies are looking for new and better targeting options and publishers who are creative can win their business. At eHarmony, we can target online ads based on a combination of over 260 separate demographic, psychographic and interest-based data…

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Measurements that belong in your Outsourcing SLA

Outsourcing is increasingly under review by many publishers for all aspects of their business, including ad operations. If you do decide to go with an outsourcer, one of the major challenges is designing and implementing the service level agreement, or SLA. The SLA is meant to define success metrics, help govern…

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Network CPMs, Daisy Chains and Transparency

Two documents by Pubmatic came out yesterday that are of interest to Ad Operation teams. The Q4 2008 AdPrice Index is helpful as a gauge for publishers on what returns they should be seeing from their network efforts - outsourced or not. The numbers compared to a year ago just…

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What We’ll be Talking about in 2009

The coming of a new year brings out the prognosticators in full force and there are plenty of predictions for what's coming in 2009 out there. The difference this year versus prior years is the size and degree of the disclaimers that come with these predictions. Never have I seen…

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