Search results for apachesolr_search/second-party data

2000 Results

5 Questions for Jennifer Witt of Adconion

Jennifer Witt, Director of North American Ad Operations for Adconion Media Group, will be leading a session at the US Network Operations Forum on third party data providers. In advance of the conference we asked her a few questions about data collection and verification.Q: Please tell us a little bit…

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5 Questions for Chris Jay Hoofnagle

Chris Jay Hoofnagle will be giving the keynote address Networks, Regulation and Privacy: Understanding Where We are Today at the US Network Forum in San Francisco on June 17.We asked him a few questions in advance of his presentation about privacy issues facing the industry today.Q: Can you please give…

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Audience Verification – What’s the Deal?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about ad verification in the digital space.  The media is writing about it, publishers and agencies are arguing about it, clients are asking questions about it, and providers are pushing it.  The IAB even recently hosted a half-day conference to address this…

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Are you able to execute cross platform deals?

According to the Bain Study “Building Brands Online”, in the next 3 years, brand marketers will spend close to 40% of their budget on cross-platform campaigns (up from roughly 25%).  That’s about $52,000,000,000 being spent on cross platform campaigns in the near future.  Unless you start making changes in your…

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The Science of Display – Introduction

With this blog post, I’d like to begin a series of posts on the technology and data-science that power modern display advertising (especially at Turn, where we’ve always been at the cutting-edge of innovation in this area). We will explore why the advances we’re making in the new field of computational advertising matter…

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Cookie Synching

Editor's note: This article was originally posted on the Krux Digital Blog.Overview Cookies are the primary mechanism by which publishers, advertisers, ad networks, ad exchanges, demand side platforms and data exchanges store and track information about users. Cookies are domain specific — in other words, a Cookie set by domain…

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The Challenge of Scaling an Adserver

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Mike On Ads.So much of our time these days is spent talking about all the new features & capabilities that people are building into their adserving platforms. One component often neglected in these conversations is scalability.A hypothetical ad startupHere’s a pretty typical story.…

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Member Profile: Robert Deichert Jr.

The AdMonsters community is comprised of the top Ad Operations professionals in the industry. In a new feature for our site, we'll highlight members and ask them about what they are working on as well as their thoughts on a variety of topics.This week we feature Robert Deichert Jr., Senior…

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Online Display Advertising Solved! Ad Operations Teams Rejoice!

The advertising world rejoiced today with the announcement that the complexity of buying and selling online advertising had been solved. The company X, formerly known as The Doubleyieldmeldmatictail Project, has been working secretly for months with a select group of agencies and publishers to beta test their products, BUD (Buy…

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