Search results for apachesolr_search/remnant ad networks

2842 Results

It’s About Time (as a Currency)

Believe it or not, the AdMonsters content team has been fretting about whether we have too much viewability in our OPS agenda. What? How is that possible? There is no such thing as too much viewability! Please – there sure is. Yes, viewability is the topic du jour (du année? du decáde?), and…

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Viewability Hacks: Inventory Request Template

Welcome to another edition of Viewability Hacks! We hope our last article featuring Ziff Davis' Chrome Extension awoke your inner ops McGuyver. This week, Whitepages shares its Inventory Request Template spreadsheet (download), which is actually handy for much more than viewability. Jeff Mayer, a great AdMonsters resource who recently shifted from Whitpages…

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How Digital Operations Drives Agencies

Digital media itself may be a major disruption, but it is also an opportunity to explore new business models. Media agencies are constantly finding themselves in search of the next best media idea, strategy, or product. So how do they become better at working with digital or simply better digital…

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AdMonster Meetup

Why would a company in the digital advertising space decide to build their own tech solutions when the market offers so many options? Then again, why wouldn't a company want to build something that allows them to differentiate from everyone else? Join us at Yelp's San Francisco offices to debate…

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#OPSPOV: Meet the NewFronts, Same as the OldFronts

“I’ve had a lot of people ask, ‘is Hulu digital video or television?’” quipped Peter Naylor, SVP of Sales and repeat AdMonsters keynote. “Well, as a sales guy, I’m inclined to respond, ‘I’m anything you want me to be, wink.’”The buyers at the Hulu NewFront got a kick out of…

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#OPSPOV: Real-Time Viewability Gets Real

Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that viewability is a post-campaign metric? We can target ads based on HTML cookies in real-time, why can’t we determine whether the impression associated with that cookie is also in view, or at least has a high chance of being in…

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Targeted to Your Wrist: Smart-Watch Advertising

"Can't wait to see ads on my Apple Watch!" said no one ever. I'm sure that consumers are wondering what genius will be the first to spam them with belly fat ads on the Watch. When an ad network for the Watch was announced at CES in January, a million fanboys…

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Viewability Hacks – Chrome Extension

Ad ops and hacking have long ridden side by side (check out this oral history of ad ops for more tales), so it's no surprise that the rise of viewability has ops pros reaching for their inner Macgyvers. Come on, you can even hear the theme song as you read…

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