Search results for apachesolr_search/remnant ad networks

2846 Results

Slides of Our Lives: Why the Fall (in Revenue)?

In last week's webinar that AdMonsters hosted with sponsor Roxot, "Measuring Up to Revenue Analytics," we got into a new meaning of "WTF." As presenters Alex Kharitoshin (from Roxot) and Bodhi Short (from Cordless Media) explained, sometimes "WTF" stands for "Why the fall (in revenue)?" or "Where's the fill?" In…

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Treating Publishers’ Facebook Addiction

Real talk for a second: Whenever you hear me griping about the myriad things Facebook doesn’t do well, either for users or for its publisher partners, I’m probably subconsciously trying to convince myself of something. I’m a social media addict, and I suppose I have been ever since the Geocities…

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Sending Out an SOS on OMS

Maybe others saw the signs before I did, but I’ll admit to being surprised this past summer when Google announced it would be sunsetting DoubleClick Sales Manager (DSM) in 2019. On top of all the other major challenges they’re facing right now—GDPR, ads.txt, contextual relevance, Facebook, etc.—more than a hundred…

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AdMonsters Webinar: Future-Proof Your Rate Card

AdMonsters Webinar: Future-Proof Your Rate Card from AdMonsters on Vimeo. Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 1:00 PM EST When you’re thinking about optimizing your revenue and managing relationships with buy-side clients, you need an dynamic and responsive rate strategy. Advertisers’ and agencies’ needs can change suddenly—moving from content-based buys to audience…

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AdMonsters Webinar: Measuring Up to Revenue Analytics (Video)

View the presentation here. We all know there’s great power in data when it comes to digital media monetization, but unlocking the potential can be laborious, frustrating… and even fruitless. The massive amounts of data flowing throughout the digital advertising ecosystem is both a blessing and curse—it may seem plenty,…

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What Is Charles Proxy?

As far as malvertising is concerned, redirects remain a particular scourge for ad ops teams. On mobile in particular, a redirect can wreck a user’s session at the least. It’s worse if the user is wise enough to avoid downloading whatever the redirect tells them to download. These attacks are…

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Who’s at Risk From Facebook’s News Feed Changes?

Back on Jan. 11, Facebook announced it was switching up its news feed algorithm to prioritize original posts from users, and to de-prioritize links to news stories. Following uproar and confusion from publishers and marketers about how much good or ill that will do to users, Facebook came back this…

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The Gap Between Real and Perceived Brand Safety Issues

The discussion around brand safety has risen from a murmur to a prolonged roar, and it doesn’t seem to be quieting down anytime soon. In part, that’s because more issues and more sub-threads keep getting pulled into that discussion. My colleague Gavin Dunaway wrote a bit about this recently, and…

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Cut Data Thieves Off at the Pass

Often enough, when the topic of data leakage comes up, someone—whether they’re coming from a buy-side or a sell-side point of view—will say: “Hold on. Is this data leakage stuff real, or is a bogeyman?” Understandable response. This is digital media: Wherever there’s just the perception of a problem, you’ll…

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