Search results for apachesolr_search/publisher forum columbia gorge

1000 Results

What Is Ads.txt?

Ads.txt is an initiative the IAB Tech Lab launched earlier this year to ensure greater transparency in the programmatic marketplace by creating a record of who is authorized to sell or re-sell ad inventory. The top aim of Ads.txt is to crack down on domain spoofing, a widespread, wily and…

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Dbrief on DMEXCO

Last week marked my return to the non-Brexiting part of Europe in several years to attend DMEXCO. My assumption is that most operations people really don’t know a lot about DMEXCO other than Germany is a funny place to go to something that sounds like it belongs in Latin America.…

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Where Advanced Analytics Can Boost UX

While it’s always has been a major part of the revenue professional’s work, user experience has greatly risen in prominence over the last few years. That’s thanks to a variety of issues: the ad block scare, the viewability movement, rising mobile traffic, and so on. The days of haphazardly slapping…

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The Video Gold Rush

I returned from an excellent Publisher Forum in Montreal to hear that Mic was laying off part of its editorial staff and re-focusing on creating video content—mainly to grab the sweet CPMs the come with monetizing video. I feel like I’ve heard this story many times in the last few…

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AdMonsters PubForum Montreal: The Live Blog

(While it's fun to journey to the past... Why not sign up for the next PubForum, November 2017 in Nashville?) The AdMonsters team has successfully made it to Montreal for the 42nd Publisher Forum--which means as much as any of us has misbehaved in the past, evidently it wasn't incriminating…

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Could Chatbots Kill the Search Advertising Star?

I can’t say I was surprised by findings from research firm L2 Marketing that Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is more likely to push Amazon Prime products on users seeking a variety of wares. There’s nothing scandalous in that—if I had an Alexa, I’d probably want it to look for Prime…

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