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The Gap Between Real and Perceived Brand Safety Issues

The discussion around brand safety has risen from a murmur to a prolonged roar, and it doesn’t seem to be quieting down anytime soon. In part, that’s because more issues and more sub-threads keep getting pulled into that discussion. My colleague Gavin Dunaway wrote a bit about this recently, and…

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Cut Data Thieves Off at the Pass

Often enough, when the topic of data leakage comes up, someone—whether they’re coming from a buy-side or a sell-side point of view—will say: “Hold on. Is this data leakage stuff real, or is a bogeyman?” Understandable response. This is digital media: Wherever there’s just the perception of a problem, you’ll…

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AI Lights the Way for Brand Safety

I recently noted the cyclical nature of ad tech issues, and nowhere has that been more apparent than in brand safety's reappearance in the forefront of advertisers' and publishers' concerns. As technology and content have evolved, we need to reconsider just what fits under the brand-safety umbrella in 2018 (something we'll discuss…

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Can Sandboxing Defeat Redirects?

(Editor's Note: Hear more about sandboxing iframes and ad quality at this special attendee session during the PubForum Huntington Beach, March 4-7, 2018.) Recently, premium publishers have reported an uptick in malicious ads on their sites—particularly pesky mobile redirects, the never-ending scourge. While pubs’ first response tends to involve tracking…

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Assessing Amazon’s Alexa Advertising Advantage

The big news from Amazon’s direction this week is that the digital powerhouse (“e-tailer” doesn’t really suffice) has been having conversations with some major companies about how it might rev up its advertising efforts in Echo devices. Because Echo is driven by the voice-recognition tool Alexa, we’ve been seeing this…

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Coalition for Better Ads Introduces Chrome Ad-Blocking Workaround

Just in time for the holiday season, Google slipped some coal into publishers' stockings. Google announced that on Feb. 15, its browser Chrome will begin blocking units that don't meet the Better Ads Standards from the Coalition for Better Ads. Moreover, Chrome will remove all ads from sites that have a "failing" status…

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Slides of Our Lives: Take Action on Supply Path Optimization

Supply path optimization is having its moment, as fashionable industry jargon goes, but there's really important substance behind the hype. In short: DSPs and agencies are adopting new strategies for optimizing their supply paths because header bidding has massively increased the queries they have to process, which puts strain on…

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TAG Certified Channels: The Next Stage of Certification

(AdBeeler is a monthly column from AdMonsters' Chair and PubForum legend Rob Beeler.) Get ready to add a new phrase to your ad tech lexicon: TAG Certified Channel. Remember the beginning of 2017? If a full flashback on the events of this year is too painful, I’ll remind you that…

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What Is Programmatic Guaranteed?

Programmatic guaranteed deals have been in the air for a while now. But as we’ve seen at several AdMonsters events, when a session on programmatic opens up into the Q&A segment, there’s still a lot of confusion about what programmatic guaranteed means. The marketplace hasn’t made clarity on this terminology…

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