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The Ad Ops Quantum Leap

What does ad ops have in common with Nobel-Prize winning physicist Max Planck, the father of quantum theory? AdMonsters Chairman Rob Beeler swears it's not that big of a leap, and celebrates the greatest moments to be in ad ops: when we put on our lab coats and experiment.

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Shall We Kill All the Resellers?

A recently reported fraud leveraging Ads.txt isn't novel, but it highlights an issue with exchanges that’s been lurking on the edges of debate, while also raising serious questions about the future of auction-based programmatic.

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CCPA Is Confusing AF

Digital media is looking forward to another year of impending doom as a fresh piece of confounding privacy regulation hangs over the space. The CCPA, which will affect any company that touches the data of at least 50,000 Californians a year, is in the middle of a statewide hearing tour…

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ADM-NL-20190124-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 24, 2019   How Do I Know Data Is Quality? Third-party data can be used to fill in the gaps of your first-party data, such as qualifying leads or modeling lookalike audiences. A combination of both data types helps you engage better with your current customers, and also…

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ADM-NL-20190117-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 17, 2019   What is the IAB Consent Framework? GDPR compliance means companies must obtain consent when collecting personal data from their website visitors. Sounds like a big headache, right? But wait, it's easier than you think. The IAB GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework is the Interactive Advertising…

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How to Use a CDP for Successful Audience Targeting

Delivering relevant and contextual content and truly targeted advertising is a big challenge. Often it's a problem of not using the right tools in the right way. Andrew Beehler, Sr. Manager Programmatic & Yield Operations at Digital Trends shares how to integrate the usefulness of a CDP with the best…

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ADM-NL-20190111-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 11, 2019   AdMonsters 2018 Salary Survey Is Here! 2019, despite all the gloomy news and overall uncertainty, publisher revenue specialists are surprisingly upbeat. The data we collected shows that 21% of respondents who answered the 2018 AdMonsters North American Publisher Salary Survey said they were fully satisfied…

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ADM-NL-20190103-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 3, 2019   AdMonsters Playbook: Aligning Regulatory Compliance & User Experience If digital media monetization was as easy as hooking up a slew of page placements to programmatic demand sources and just watching the revenue roll in, all of our lives would be far less stressful. We also…

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ADM-NL-20181220-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 20, 2018   84% of Ad Ops Employees Would Leave Their Jobs for More Money The 2018 edition of the AdMonsters North American Publisher Salary Survey is coming soon! We surveyed over 400 respondents from across the US working in ad operations in broadcast, digital, print, mobile, social…

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ADM-NL-20181214-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 14, 2018   5 Ways Vast 4.1 Is Way Better Than Every Other Version of VAST It’s been a slow process getting the video ad industry to update from VAST 2.0 to VAST 4.0. But now that the IAB has introduced VAST 4.1, which includes major improvements over…

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