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ADM-NL-20210527-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 27, 2021   Top of Publishers’ Minds: Centralized Rev Ops And Data Leakage How do publishers centralize vendor management? What are their biggest challenges in developing a revenue strategy across multiple brands and sites? These questions, along with how publishers are preparing for a post-cookie world, were discussed…

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The Ad Ops Guide to Outsourcing

It never fails. At nearly every PubForum event, either IRL or virtual, the topic of outsourcing is something the AdMonsters Community wants to talk about. But unfortunately,  there never seems to be enough time to cover all of the intricacies that go along with determining whether outsourcing is right for…

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ADM-NL-20210520-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 20, 2021   Launch and Hone your Regwall Strategy Now...Full Stop One thing is certain, Relationships = Revenue. From registration walls to unlocking adblock users, to diversifying revenue with subscriptions, there are clear-cut steps that publishers can take now to collect first-party data and build relationships in preparation…

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ADM-NL-20210513-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 13, 2021   Native in Email: Blueprinting the Future for Publishers LiveIntent recently launched Native Ad Blueprints, a solution for publishers to create scalable premium ad experiences in email newsletters, streamline their native ad operations, and better target, optimize and measure their native campaigns. We spoke with Nick…

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ADM-NL-20210507-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 7, 2021   Building a Successful Advertising Business from a Subscription-First Model In this keynote video, from Publisher Forum Virtual Spring 2021, Lisa Ryan Howard, SVP, General Manager, Media explains how The Times is focusing on fewer, higher quality ads and using its first-party data to offer targeting based…

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ADM-NL-20210429-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 29, 2021   Facebook Ads & iOS 14: How to Overcome Data Loss? If you’ve looked at your Facebook ads data recently, you might be worried about your dwindling conversion insight. Starting with Safari and Mozilla’s default blocking of cross-site tracking since the release of ITP 2.1, continuing…

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