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ADM-NL-20211014-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 14, 2021   Newsweek Sees Huge CPM Lifts With LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution We spoke with Dev Pragad, CEO, Newsweek, about how the publisher is building better relationships with their audience toward the goal of zero-party data exchange, as well as how they're using LiveRamp's Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) …

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ADM-NL-20211001-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 1, 2021   Selling the Value: What Publishers Should Be Telling the Buy Side About First-Party Data Publishers are growing optimistic about the journey down a cookie-less path, but not everyone shares that enthusiasm. Many industry experts cite a gap in education about the value of first-party (1P)…

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ADM-NL-20210924-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 24, 2021   What Does a Comprehensive Identity Strategy Look Like? The sheer number of proposed solutions to the third-party cookie almost guarantees that there will be no single winner and that publishers will need to adopt a multi-point approach to meet the needs of their ad partners.…

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ADM-NL-20210916-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 16, 2021   Transform Your Newsletters Into a Channel for First-party Data Collection Native ads enable publishers to diversify their media kit with premium ad units that elevate digital experiences. Furthermore, with native ads in email newsletters, publishers can transform their newsletters into a channel for first-party data…

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ADM-NL-20210910-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 10, 2021   Can SSO Bring the Advertising Ecosystem Together? A Q&A With Mediavine’s Jordan Cauley Single Sign-On solutions are an open web tool that’s gaining massive ad tech support. But one of the major barriers to any cookieless solution reaching scale is consumer consent fatigue. ​That's why Criteo,…

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ADM-NL-20210902-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 2, 2021   Google's SSP Security Violation Rate Slips AdMonsters Advisory Board Chairman, Rob Beeler, caught up with John Murphy, Chief Strategy Officer at Confiant about some surprising findings in Confiant's Malvertising & Ad Quality Index Q1 2021 report. It seems Google has slipped in the SSP rankings.…

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ADM-NL-20210827-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 27, 2021   Newsweek Sees Huge CPM Lifts With Liveramp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution We spoke with Dev Pragad, CEO Newsweek, about how the publisher is building better relationships with their audience toward the goal of zero-party data exchange, as well as how they're using Liveramp's Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) …

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ADM-NL-20210819-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 20, 2021   The State of Ad Filtering in 2021 The surge in digital media consumption continues. Ad spend is flowing freely beside the traffic stream. Unfortunately, to the dismay of publishers and advertisers alike, ad block usage is on the rise. But ad blockers are becoming ad filterers…

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What Is SWAN?

You may have heard of SWAN in Google's Privacy Sandbox, but this SWAN is a community-operated and open source replacement for many use cases supported by third-party cookies. Compared to Google’s Privacy Sandbox offerings, SWAN (Secure Web Addressability Network) provides a legally compliant solution that will improve people’s privacy. No…

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