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1001 Results

Publishers Prove Resilient Through Industry Changes

Each PubForum, an exclusive publisher-only Think Tank comes together to discuss the most pressing issues in ad tech. In Nashville, the common consensus was that thriving through this tough period was dependent upon how you choose to reach your audience. Per the advice that has been touted through many industry…

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Take a Look Back on 2022 With Us

As we wrap up 2022, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the year as an AdMonsters community. It's the time of year when many of us will pause and take stock. At the heart of the professional education that AdMonsters strives to create for the community is content…

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ADM-NL-20221215-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 15, 2022   9 Jaw Dropping AdMonsters Articles From 2022 The past year in ad tech was a whirlwind. For some, the overwhelming bad news in digital media and ad tech tainted revenue and metrics, but the inventiveness of the industry is keeping things afloat. To round out…

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ADM-NL-20221209-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 9, 2022   Opportunities to Drive RevOps Efficiency The quality vs. revenue debate is occurring with greater frequency as publishers consider their options in the event of a recession. Will consumers cut back on subscriptions? Will advertisers reduce their ad spend? To help answer these questions, we surveyed…

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ADM-NL-20221202-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 2, 2022   The Future of Mobile Monetization: Q&A With InMobi's Ram "TK" Krishnamurthy In preparation for our upcoming webinar, The Future of Monetization — on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 1 PM EST — with InMobi and SmartNews, we reached out to Ram "TK" Krishnamurthy, General Manager…

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Pubs Rev Up Their Revenue Strategies

November 29, 2022 Virtual Stores Are Good As Gold CTV Ad Spend Soars in Q3 Pubs Rev Up Their Revenue Strategies Around the Water Cooler Virtual Stores Prove Themselves Data Gold Mines Although it's been around for decades, online shopping is getting a massive rebrand thanks to the metaverse and…

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ADM-NL-20221125-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 25, 2022   Webinar: 2023 Malvertising Preview In 2022, there was a significant decrease in forced redirects. But malicious actors are evolving their attacks. Join Confiant's Jerome Dangu, John Murphy, and Eliya Stein for an overview of the latest trends in malvertising and to hear their expert predictions…

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ADM-NL-20221118-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 18, 2022   Keep Watch: Malvertising Schemes Still Lurking Within Advertising Ecosystem Advertising scams have plagued the ad tech ecosystem for quite some time, but thanks to industry innovations many protections are now in place.  Read more. Pump it Up: Increase Campaign Effectiveness With Undertone's High Impact Sound…

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