Search results for apachesolr_search/programmatic brands

1487 Results

One Order to Rule Them All: Inside Gannett’s Massive Workflow Centralization Mission

If you think standardizing and centralizing sales workflow across a few properties is Sisyphean effort, spend some time in Gannett’s shoes. The national and regional media powerhouse is in the middle of a massive sales workflow centralization project and has already integrated a single-entry order system for digital products across…

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Best of AdMonsters 2015

Looking back on what happened in digital media in 2015, it’s hard to summarize it, exactly. I keep thinking of something AdMonsters’ Publisher Rob Beeler said during our Publisher Forum in La Jolla last month: One of Rob’s old lines about the state of ad ops is, “Everything is status…

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Liveblogging La Jolla: Day 2

The crowd is re-assembling at Estancia La Jolla on this, the second day of AdMonsters Publisher Forum 37 (you can check out the liveblog for the first day here -- there was a lot going on). We had a packed day yesterday, with some excellent discussions and a ton of…

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Publisher Forum La Jolla: Let’s Liveblog

Looks like the AdMonsters editorial team chose just the right moment to get out of cloudy, autumnal New York City, and the right destination. La Jolla, CA is about as sunny and warm as any travel agent would want us to believe. These are prime conditions for AdMonsters Publisher Forum…

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Broadcasting in a Programmatic World

The tangle of channels that makes up programmatic TV is drawing a lot of attention right now -- and generating a lot of confusion. Traditional TV broadcasters are entering the digital space rapidly, and they're influencing the way digital media is transacted and measured. Meanwhile, broadcasters find digital distribution channels…

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#OPSPOV: Blocking Ads to Save Digital Media’s Soul?

What if ad blockers are actually good for digital media and advertising?Does it sound so weird, especially considering that people from all digital media walks believe viewability makes the space better? It ensures ads are actually seen and will eventually take revenue away from bad actors as it seeps through…

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