Search results for apachesolr_search/programmatic brands

1487 Results

New Vision For the Header: A Conversation With PulsePoint

In the relatively brief amount of time since digital publishers have adopted header bidding en masse, the header has become jam-packed with demand partners. With new header solutions being built each day, publishers are now wondering how to manage—from who to let into their header to what criteria is available…

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The End Is Not Nigh for Digital Advertising

Last June, a major revenue guy from Medium spoke at AdMonsters’ Ops conference, laying out a fascinating native advertising model transacted on a time-spent basis. It was a bold plan that sparked a great deal of conversation throughout the event.So you can imagine I was disheartened when reading Ev Williams’…

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The ABCs of PMPs: Part III

Read Part I here and Part II here.So you want to set up a PMP. The conversation typically goes like this:1. The Advertiser reaches out to a supply partner and says it wants to set up a PMP. Advertisers find supply partners in a variety of different ways—some use comScore,…

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The ABCs of PMPs: Part II

Read Part I of this series here.There's an old saying: If you take someone's money, you have to do what they say.The big five agency holding companies control a significant portion of the world's media spend, and if someone on the sell side wants to make money in the ad…

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The ABCs of PMPs: Part I

The fact that publisher revenues are under siege from a number of sources isn’t exactly news. Users are abandoning desktop in droves, continuing the progression from print dollars to digital dimes to mobile pennies. Remaining desktop users are blocking ads with increasing regularity. Companies like Facebook, the dominant source of publisher…

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AdMonsters PubForum Miami: The Live Blog

In front of us, the PubForum main room dais. To our right, a palm-tree-lined waterway where someone else’s yachts are docked just beyond arm’s reach. Must be AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Miami, at the luxurious Eden Roc resort! If you’re here with us, hopefully you brought your most outrageously casual…

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