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1487 Results

ADM-NL-20180419-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 19, 2018   The "Truth" About Blockchain (Part 2) Last week, Gabe Greenberg advised readers to be wary of blockchain-based ad tech solutions that over-promise on this still-emerging technology. Now, he explains how blockchain could replace OpenRTB and solve for the protocol's flaws, and he shows us some…

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The State of GDPR: Publishers’ Questions Answered

Data privacy and legal compliance experts agree: GDPR is too big to ignore. As an ad/revenue operations (ops), you should already know the E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in May, 2018. What’s actually new in this story? Valid point. Despite months—possibly years—of preparation, publishers still have…

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The “Truth” About Blockchain (Part 2)

Last week, Gabe Greenberg advised readers to be wary of blockchain-based ad tech solutions that over-promise on this still-emerging technology. Now, he explains how blockchain could replace OpenRTB and solve for the protocol's flaws, and he shows us some examples of how brands are already using blockchain tech outside of…

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The “Truth” About Blockchain (Part 1)

"Blockchain" is a buzzword, and buzzwords are wont to be misused—so be careful whose promises you believe. Gabe Greenberg advises us that while blockchain for advertising holds loads of promise, no company is applying it at scale... yet.

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For the Unsung Heroes of Digital Media: AdMonsters Power List

New at this year’s Ops is the AdMonsters Power List, which looks to recognize individuals who are revolutionizing the digital media world through advertising, marketing, and monetization efforts. Just like the ad ops people whose toil ended laying the foundation for the digital ad ecosystem, we aim to recognize the…

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Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Rob Beeler learns the true meaning of rubbernecking, and he's here to tell us how it relates to Facebook's Cambridge Analytica/data privacy problems, GDPR preparation (or lack thereof), and buzzworthy tech like blockchain and AI.

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ADM-NL-20180405-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 5, 2018   Let’s Take This Inside: The State of Programmatic In-Housing We were told brands were going to displace agencies and undertake programmatic media buying on their own. It didn't happen according to the schedule many had predicted. But it's happening now. Mike Hans of Forge Group…

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The Fallacy of the Right Ad, to the Right Person, Constantly

The data used for ad targeting feels more personal than ever, and the Cambridge Analytica story shows us the errors of levying personal information in ways users neither want nor expect. Publishers' job right now is to work with buy-side partners to find the right context for that personalization—and publishers…

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