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1473 Results

Insurgent: How to take down Dart and Atlas

Maybe the title of the post is hyperbolic but at least this idea could put a big dent in their agency revenues.Note: these are my thoughts, not necessarily reflected of my employer.We talk about agencies having a digital backbone. Yet, for the most part, the technologies are licensed. For today’s…

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Key Points for a Successful Ad Server Migration

Editor's Note: As your business evolves and changes so should your revenue and operations tools. You may find it makes sense to upgrade or switch your tools. This will lead to the dreaded ad server migration. Neil Rigby, Head of Operations at Associated Newspapers Ltd. recently compiled some tips on…

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Audience Verification – What’s the Deal?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about ad verification in the digital space.  The media is writing about it, publishers and agencies are arguing about it, clients are asking questions about it, and providers are pushing it.  The IAB even recently hosted a half-day conference to address this…

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Highlights from the 2010 Brightcove Video Monetization Summit

On Wednesday I attended the Brightcove Video Monetization Summit. After a brief geeky starstruck moment - seeing Brightcove CEO Jeremy Allaire (formerly of Allaire and Macromedia) in person and resisting the urge to scream "I LOVE COLDFUSION" at him - I settled in for a long day of video learning.…

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The Science of Display – Introduction

With this blog post, I’d like to begin a series of posts on the technology and data-science that power modern display advertising (especially at Turn, where we’ve always been at the cutting-edge of innovation in this area). We will explore why the advances we’re making in the new field of computational advertising matter…

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Thoughts on the US Leadership Forum in NYC

I hope everyone who attended the US Leadership Forum in New York this past week found it enjoyable and valuable. As always I was in awe of being surrounded by so many smart people. Events such as the Leadership Forum are such a great way to not only learn from…

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The Challenge of Scaling an Adserver

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Mike On Ads.So much of our time these days is spent talking about all the new features & capabilities that people are building into their adserving platforms. One component often neglected in these conversations is scalability.A hypothetical ad startupHere’s a pretty typical story.…

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Member Profile: Robert Deichert Jr.

The AdMonsters community is comprised of the top Ad Operations professionals in the industry. In a new feature for our site, we'll highlight members and ask them about what they are working on as well as their thoughts on a variety of topics.This week we feature Robert Deichert Jr., Senior…

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