Search results for apachesolr_search/pixel tracking

757 Results

Facebook Ads & iOS 14: What Can You Do to Overcome Data Loss?

If you’ve looked at your Facebook ads data recently, you might be worried about your dwindling conversion insight. Starting with Safari and Mozilla’s default blocking of cross-site tracking since the release of ITP 2.1, continuing with the rollout of Limited Data Use that limited tracking in California to comply with…

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How USA TODAY Sports Is Developing First-Party Authentication Strategies for Building Consumer Trust

Jason White, SVP and Head of Publishers, LiveRamp, and Chris Pirrone, General Manager, USA TODAY, Sports Media Group, take AdMonsters Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, on a deep dive discussion into the world of publisher first-party authentication strategies. "If cookies were the currency before, the gold is that relationship with…

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Maximizing the Value of First-Party Data

In preparation for our upcoming webinar with Permutive: Vox Media’s Approach to a Changing Media Landscape, Tuesday, April 27, 1 PM ET, (Register now!), I spoke with Michael Ogunjobi, Customer Success Lead, Permutive, about how publishers can fully maximize the value of their first-party data and demonstrate that value to…

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Is Contextual Ready For Post-Cookie Prime Time?

Is contextual scalable? How can publishers prove performance? Does contextual need to be standardized? In this video from Publisher Forum Virtual 2021, Scott Messer, Senior Vice President, Media, Leaf Group speaks with Emily Healy, Director, Digital Standards, Publicis Media about all of these topics and more.

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Google Goes Blocka, Blocka, Blocka on 3.1 Billion Ads

  Powered by: March 23, 2021 Google Blocked 3.1 Billion Ads in 2020 Time For Pubs to Find New Normal Around the Water Cooler Google Goes Blocka, Blocka, Blocka on 3.1 Billion Ads The year 2020 really brought malvertisers out of the woodwork. From pandemic-related scams, to #BLM-related scams, to…

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We’re Not Ready for the Cookiepocalypse

  Powered by: March 16, 2021 Are We Really Ready For the Cookiepocalypse? Is Your CMS Killing Your ROI? Around the Water Cooler Are We Really Ready For the Cookiepocalypse? Ad tech is getting confusing AF. Immediately following the brouhaha over Google’s announcement to not support identifiers tracking users across…

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