Search results for apachesolr_search/page load

277 Results

What Is IDFA?

It’s true that most people in the advertising world know more about IDFA than they did six months ago, but the twists and turns of the privacy plot are worth exploring. We asked Isaac Schechtman, Senior Director of Product Strategy at BidSwitch to catch us up on everything going on…

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ADM-NL-20200813-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 13, 2020   Walter T. Geer III: Ad Ops is the Nucleus of Digital Advertising We caught up with AdMonsters Publisher Forum Virtual Keynote Walter T. Geer III to learn how he's connected the dots between what he learned from ad ops in his early career to now…

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Dear Publisher, Your Site Needs An Ad Tech Health Check

With Google’s end-of-May announcement that they will be using Google Pagespeed Insights metrics as a major part of search engine rankings a few months from now, publishers are suddenly scrutinizing page performance—and worried about how ads affect their metrics. Playwire's Nick Branstator explains how to get your ad tech healthy…

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Facebook Problems: Bigger Than Just Ad Fraud

  Powered by: July 28, 2020 Fake Ads Aren't Facebook's Only Woe BAD ADS Act Bullies Section 230 What Pubs and Brands Need to Know About CCPA Podcasts Hit Their Stride Facebook Problems: Real Brands, Fake Ads Facebook is ankle-deep in troubles as of late. For one, I’m sure we’ll…

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In May, Criteo submitted SPARROW (Secure Private Advertising Remotely Run On Webserver) to the W3C in response to Google's privacy sandbox proposal.  In response to industry-wide feedback, SPARROW was recently updated to include reporting capabilities to further secure users’ privacy without compromising advertisers’ performance. We spoke with Charles-Henri Henault, VP…

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ADM-NL-20200612-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 12, 2020   How Push Notifications Build User Trust Leading up to our webinar, Personalization Power at Scale, on June 18 at 1 PM EDT (Register now!), Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, spoke with Powerinbox CEO Jeff Kupietzky about personalization, privacy, and how publishers can build trust and…

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Virtual Workshops With Real-World Takeaways

On Wednesdays at Publisher Forums, we let the attendees "take over" the conference. Attendee volunteers lead informal sessions with their peers on a variety of topics, and then report major takeaways to the whole group. Through the magic of technology (cough, Zoom, cough), we ran an experiment where we took this…

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What Is Footer Bidding?

The more header bidding adapters you add, the more bids you get and the more money you might make. But, the more requests you make, the more your user experience suffers. Enter Footer Bidding. The idea is simple: Don’t call any ad requests until the page has fully loaded. Instead…

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Programmatic Won… By Default?

Marfeel asked AdMonster Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway to lead a programmatic panel with heavy hitters from Leaf Group,, Amnet, and more. As you can imagine, it's highly engaging—the talk circles around how the programmatic ecosystem is adjusting in the pandemic fallout, especially with The Trade Desk's demand that exchanges…

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