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277 Results

Things We Learned at #OPSNY 2015

I’ve been in an OPS-induced coma for the past week, letting my subconscious ruminate over the titanic loads of digital media debate that took place in the hallowed chambers of the Metropolitan Pavilion on June 9. It was just too much for one mind to take, which I corroborate by…

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#OPSPOV: Real-Time Viewability Gets Real

Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that viewability is a post-campaign metric? We can target ads based on HTML cookies in real-time, why can’t we determine whether the impression associated with that cookie is also in view, or at least has a high chance of being in…

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Publisher Viewability Litmus Test 2: Viewability Stumbles Forward

Download the latest Publisher Viewability Litmus Test here. (Note: You must log in or register with AdMonsters to download the survey.) From the Executive Summary: In April 2014, shortly after the Media Rating Council lifted its embargo on transacting display inventory on a viewability basis, AdMonsters fired out a survey to its…

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#OPSPOV: The Tagless Option (Note – Requires Tags)

Editor's Note: Emry DowningHall, Director of StudyBreak Media, will be leading a larger discussion on "tagless" solutions at AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Sonoma from March 1-4. He kindly allowed us to reprint this insightful blog post as a preview to his talk. Got questions? Ask Emry in person at the…

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Six Tasty Takeaways From AdMonsters’ Massive OPS Event

I have just emerged from my sensory deprivation chamber following AdMonsters’ June 10 OPS conference – the stimulation of more than 500 industry players roaming four floors devoted to native advertising, multiscreen and technology was too much to digest. Just before I went into shock, Content Czar Rob Beeler guided…

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How Video Becomes the Champion of Mobile Revenue

Like a leaky faucet drip-drip-dripping into a steel sink, mobile has long been that nagging concern keeping publishers up at night. The amount of inventory seems to multiply daily with little demand from buyers (especially when it comes buying guaranteed), so publishers are forced to turn to ad networks and…

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What Polar Vortex? DC Mashup Debates Viewability and More

Blizzards, polar vortexes (vortices?) – simply minor obstacles when it comes to bringing ad ops professionals together for deliberation and… Well, what’s deliberation without a little drinking? Even in a place like DC, where two inches of snow shuts down the federal government faster than a budget dispute. (As a friend…

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The Best of AdMonsters 2013

If 2013 must be a "year of something," we probably should call it the year of mobile. According to estimates from eMarketer, U.S. mobile advertising spend more than doubled in 2013 to hit $9.6 billion compared to $4.36 billion in 2012. eMarketer estimates that near-stagnant desktop spend will actually decrease…

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