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277 Results

#OPSPOV: The Obstacles to 100% Viewability

The scourge of digital advertising! The killer of revenue! The savior of our industry!Most supply-siders (perhaps grudgingly) will agree with the digital media masses that consider viewability a good thing for the industry. In a perfect world, advertisers would only be charged for ads that were seen; as the most…

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Where User Experience and Ad Ops Collide

The latest wave of advertising is giving me some chilling flashbacks to the age of endless animated MySpace banners, pop-unders and other horrors of the aughts. Instead of learning from that assault of awfulness, digital advertising has somehow grown more intrusive and annoying – in-feed units, auto-play video (with sound?!?!),…

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#OPSPOV: Mobile Web Summons the Ad-Block-alypse

An attendee asked why I didn’t throw ad blocking in my recent top themes of the Charleston Publisher Forum. Truth be told, I thought ad blocking needed a dedicated #OPSPOV, especially considering the fallout from Apple’s launch of iOS9 today. As all the Apple fanboys rub their palms together in…

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Three Major Themes at PubForum Charleston

Somehow I, Sir Casper of the Pasty People, escaped the South Carolina sun with only the slightest of burns on my ears and neck (yes, my redneck is so bad that I have to hide it with a mullet).Of course, I did spend the majority of the 36th American edition…

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Phones on Fire: Who Gets Burned by Mobile Ad Fraud?

A new report from fraud detection company Forensiq sounds the alarm on widespread and ostensibly new forms of mobile ad fraud. But a closer look at how advertisers are getting bilked shows that first responders here need to be not brands, but publishers and other app providers.Forensiq’s report does detail…

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#OPSPOV: Flash in Freefall

Quick update: although Flash-based creatives are greyed out on Firefox, they are still registering as impressions. Also, some agencies are asking advertisers to disinclude Firefox browsers from their campaigns. According to NetMarketShare, Firefox has a12% share of desktop browsers.  Facebook head of security Alex Stamos grabbed a lot of attention this…

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