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277 Results

Latency in Header Bidding: What Kind of Latency Are We Talking?

If header bidding offers such a great boost for yield among its most vocal champions, why would a programmatically active publisher have reservations about implementing it? Well, there are a few things. But one of the top concerns making some publishers shy about header bidding is latency. Pre-bid calls are…

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#OPSPOV: How Header Bidders Affect Latency

Back in January, I posted “Header Bidding Trial by Fire: How Six Popular Header Bidders Perform.” Sortable ran an experiment to measure what happens when you increase the number of bidders, and how that impacts CPM. We found that there is a strong correlation between increasing bidders and increased average…

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#OPSPOV: Outstream to Pick Up the In-Banner Video Slack

The rough waters never seem to give way for Yahoo. Along with rumors of investor unrest and overall dissatisfaction with CEO Marissa Mayer, Big Y kicked off the year as the poster child for bad behavior in digital video advertising when a CNBC report alleged that not only was its…

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Probabilistic Identifiers and the Problem With ID Matching

Device fragmentation has had a complicated effect on publisher efforts to understand and target their audiences. Where once a publisher could easily track user behavior and deliver targeted advertising across a site – or network of sites – with the help of HTTP cookies, that tool is virtually useless today…

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QA in the Videoscape: Keeping Quality in Line with Demand

As demand among buyers for quality video inventory has risen, so have the channels for transacting on video--programmatic video, video private marketplaces, programmatic TV. At the same time, so have the platforms into which advertisers feel enthusiastic about buying video inventory, with in-demand media bursting into outstream, mobile and other…

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