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277 Results

What Is Charles Proxy?

As far as malvertising is concerned, redirects remain a particular scourge for ad ops teams. On mobile in particular, a redirect can wreck a user’s session at the least. It’s worse if the user is wise enough to avoid downloading whatever the redirect tells them to download. These attacks are…

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Can Sandboxing Defeat Redirects?

(Editor's Note: Hear more about sandboxing iframes and ad quality at this special attendee session during the PubForum Huntington Beach, March 4-7, 2018.) Recently, premium publishers have reported an uptick in malicious ads on their sites—particularly pesky mobile redirects, the never-ending scourge. While pubs’ first response tends to involve tracking…

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The Native Chronicles: Mobile Referendum

This is the third article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the first article on the "creative revival," and the second on flexibility and A/B testing.   For a long time, you could not go to a conference on advertising technology without hearing mention of…

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AdMonsters PubForum Nashville: The Live Blog

The 43rd AdMonsters Publisher Forum has taken us to Nashville, where we'll be spending the next few days wrapping our heads around a particularly intense season in digital media. From what I could gauge from chatting with attendees and sponsors at last night's dinner, there are loads of questions in…

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The Native Chronicles: Creative Revival

This is the first article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the second article on flexibility and A/B testing and the third on the future of mobile.   The first banner ad is both a thing of legend and of infamy. The latter because it launched a revolution of…

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