Search results for apachesolr_search/page load

277 Results

ADM-NL-20180712-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 12, 2018   Three Pillars of Ad Quality: Time for Compliance You can point to your specs, you can point to LEAN, but getting compliance from the buy side is still a challenge. So what should an overall framework for creative compliance look like? Brian LaRue explores the…

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Have We Reached the Limits of Ads.txt?

It's been reported this week that 1,400 mobile apps loaded ads on TV Guide's domain. How did this happen, in an age when everyone's on board with Ads.txt? Well, the answer is simple, but it's not what you want to hear: The buyers just hadn't been scanning those Ads.txt files…

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ADM-NL-20180705-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 5, 2018   Death of DoubleClick, Birth of a Monster? So Google is merging DoubleClick and AdExchange, creating Google Ad Manager (and creating an opportunity for loads of GAM jokes). Is this, Gavin Dunaway asks, a merger made in hell?? Here, he gives a shot at understanding Google's…

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The Truth About Latency and the Header: A Chat With PubMatic

We’ve long been big header cheerleaders at AdMonsters, but we also have never shied away from one of its biggest setbacks: potential latency issues. Indeed, fear of latency has kept some premium publishers away from header integrations and continues to make others wary about embracing header tech too closely. At…

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Death of DoubleClick, Birth of a Monster?

Cleaning out my apartment to prepare for a new family member, I came across an old, dusty travel mug that I don’t think had ever been used. (Travel mugs are useless for an espresso snob like moi.) Emblazoned on its side was a DoubleClick logo so old that I honestly…

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Three Pillars of Ad Quality: Beyond Redirects

It's not your imagination—the redirect problem has been peaking in 2018. Publishers are turning to sandboxing as a fix. But sandboxing is only the beginning, considering redirects are just one of many ad quality concerns that need to be addressed now. Brian LaRue asks us to zoom out and broaden…

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ADM-NL-20180503-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 3, 2018   Clearing the Way for In-App Transparency To deliver on the potential of automated buying and selling in the in-app space, advertisers, publishers and our industry as a whole are doubling down on transparency initiatives that make it harder for issues like fraud to take root…

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ADM-NL-20180412-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 12, 2018   For the Unsung Heroes of Digital Media: AdMonsters Power List New at this year’s Ops is the AdMonsters Power List, which looks to recognize individuals who are revolutionizing the digital media world through advertising, marketing, and monetization efforts. Just like the ad ops people whose…

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Where Identity Meets Reality

At the upcoming Publisher Forum in Huntington Beach, Brandon Seltenrich of CBS Interactive will tell us about how the shift toward identity marketing is advantageous to publishers--and to their users. Brandon shares some thoughts in this Q&A: "My core competency is delivering great content to our users, not maintaining ad…

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