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277 Results

ADM-NL-20190103-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 3, 2019   AdMonsters Playbook: Aligning Regulatory Compliance & User Experience If digital media monetization was as easy as hooking up a slew of page placements to programmatic demand sources and just watching the revenue roll in, all of our lives would be far less stressful. We also…

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Ad Ops Terms Explained: Best Of AdMonsters Decoder 2018

In the ad ops industry (aka “online ad operations," “online advertising operations," “ad operations,” “online ad ops," and “ops” in the trade)—things keep changing all the time. There’s a new regulation here, some new tech to learn about there and then a bunch of rejiggering the pipes to keep apace.…

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Remember the Times: AdMonsters Top 10 Stories of 2018

For digital media and advertising 2018 has been a really exciting, but often bumpy, roller coaster ride. As far as ad operations is concerned, blockchain, artificial intelligence, location services, and mobile-first everything are offering promising monetization alternatives and other opportunities that bring publishers and brands closer to audiences in more…

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ADM-NL-20181101-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 1, 2018   Amazon’s Search Retargeting Sounds Like a Big ‘Ol Data Party We're not going to call it a Duopoly for much longer. Amazon is further asserting its place among the rulers of ad tech by offering advertisers search-based retargeting on third-party sites, which is both a…

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ADM-NL-20181025-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 25, 2018 Mobile Traffic Boom Sort of Good News for Publishers Worried that mobile traffic's rise will decrease desktop revenue? It just might, but there are definitely loads of opportunities -- like working with news aggregators and social networks -- to make up for the loss while meeting…

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ADM-NL-20180726-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 26, 2018   A Road Map For OMS Migrations We know some of you are still patting yourselves on the back for coming out the other end of the GDPR launch unscathed, but this is ad tech, folks—the next crisis is always coming sooner than you expect. The…

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ADM-NL-20180719-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 19, 2018 Capturing That Elusive SMB Spend Facebook reels from another tornado of scandals, yet their advertising business is going gangbusters. Seems weird, right? Well, no—the Duopoly thrives on small and mid-size advertisers that can't find viable alternatives in digital media. But Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway sees an…

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