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277 Results

PubForum Scottsdale: A Pictorial Retrospective

Ops is sexy. Ops is people. Ops is community. If you ever attended an AdMonsters Publisher Forum, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't—sorry for ya 😢. The 3.5 days brings together a small select group of publishers, data professionals and other digital media stars (the unsung…

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The Great Migration: Major TV Players Moving to Branded Streaming—Here’s What it Means For the Ad Ecosystem

The streaming wars are really heating up. While Netflix maintains its stronghold—significantly increasing subscribers in Q3—analysts predict that most subscribers will hang on, with some opting to become multi-streaming subscribers. Still, the looming launch of legacy media brands into the streaming video space promises to considerably shake things up for the…

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Meetup Debrief: What’s UX Got to do With it?

News flash—context matters! Increasingly, advertisers are realizing the impact of great user experiences on their spend. According to a recent Group M study, ads appearing in quality online environments prove 42% more cost-effective based on engagement, viewability, and dwell time. The pressure on publishers to deliver premium inventory is only…

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What Is RTB Auction Manipulation?

If anything, the last few years of programmatic have demonstrated just how vulnerable the real-time bidding environment is to subtle, behind-the-scenes changes that can distort campaign performance, create discrepancies in reported data, and ultimately waste ad dollars.

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7 Best Practices for Better Mobile Ads

Increasingly, mobile isn’t just consumers’ first choice for media, but their only choice. Consider that 61% of Gen Z consumers believe watching videos on a phone is “as good as watching TV.” And, according to recent research from Zenith, consumers are expected to increase their mobile internet usage to 930…

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Ad Quality Climbs the Ladder as Syncs Deal With Xandr

The question long asked at AdMonsters events: why does the ad quality burden falls solely on publishers? Fortunately, that weight is finally being shared by others in the supply chain. Slowly but surely, exchanges and SSPs are starting to take responsibility when it comes to supporting ad quality in the ecosystem.…

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6 Takeaways from AdMonsters PubForum Vancouver 2019

It's true. Those of us working in digital publishing live in turbulent times. However, I came away from Admonsters PubForum Vancouver, August 18-21, feeling encouraged by enough bright spots in our industry to see the road ahead. I was particularly struck by the excitement around new mobile and video opportunities.…

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