Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

The ABCs of PMPs: Part I

The fact that publisher revenues are under siege from a number of sources isn’t exactly news. Users are abandoning desktop in droves, continuing the progression from print dollars to digital dimes to mobile pennies. Remaining desktop users are blocking ads with increasing regularity. Companies like Facebook, the dominant source of publisher…

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TAG,​ ​You’re​ ​It:​ ​Beyond​ ​TAG​ ​Malware​ ​Scanning​ ​Guidelines

When​ ​the​​ ​​Trustworthy​ ​Accountability​ ​Group​ ​(TAG)​ ​released​ ​its​ best practices​ ​for​ ​malware scanning​​ ​in​ ​October,​ ​anyone​ ​seeking​ ​a​ ​more secure advertising supply chain would have been eager to read through the first-of-its kind, 16-page document. ​In a quest to outline basic malware scanning processes,​TAG​ ​delivered ​plenty​ ​of​ ​suggestions​ ​about​ ​when​…

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Ad Block Wars, Episode 4: New Hope(s)

“If you had asked me 10 years ago if millions of people would pay $10 a month for their music, I’d have said that’s a suspect proposition,” comments Dan Rua, CEO of Admiral. “But over time user expectations, platforms and many other things have changed so now it’s a very…

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AdMonsters PubForum Miami: The Live Blog

In front of us, the PubForum main room dais. To our right, a palm-tree-lined waterway where someone else’s yachts are docked just beyond arm’s reach. Must be AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Miami, at the luxurious Eden Roc resort! If you’re here with us, hopefully you brought your most outrageously casual…

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Audience Extension for Publisher Marketing: Know Your Objective

Although audience extension campaigns are really about creating inventory by accessing third-party sites, they tend to have multiple purposes.The advertiser may be trying to reach a highly granular segment with limited on-site presence. The publisher may have limited pre-roll video inventory, so they will hunt down their audiences in third-party streams. The…

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Flexing Your Programmatic Video Muscles

As with programmatic display, the earliest inroads into programmatic video were set up to give the buyer the right of way in certain key matters. Private exchanges initially left valuable inventory ripe for cherry-picking by buyers, and prone to devalue greatly if passed back. Meanwhile, video content that by rights…

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Rethinking the Ad Server

“Is header bidding a hack?” This question invariably gets asked in every panel or interview revolving around header bidding. “Hack” is a term dripping with bile and contempt – it symbolizes a ragged workaround versus some mythical notion of organic development. But such development rarely occurs in the digital advertising…

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