Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

Stop Buying Video on the Open Exchange: Part I

If you’re a marketer looking to send the right ad to the right person in the right place, programmatically buying online video ads on the open exchange is a monumentally stupid move. If you’re a brand trying to advertise that way, you’re wasting much, if not most, of your ad…

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The Legal Connection: How Ops Avoids Regulatory Pitfalls

Regulation--it’s the bane of ops’ existence. Keeping abreast of various regulations impacting the digital advertising environment is not easy: COPPA, HIPPA, VPPA, cookie laws, and so on. Do you even know what those letters represent let alone mean? Maybe the bigger question is: Where does regulation come from, and how…

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Distribution Platforms’ Rough Start Isn’t an Ending

There’s a report from DCN (Digital Content Next) that’s been making the rounds in recent weeks, breaking down what the whole process of moving content into distribution platforms has meant for publisher revenue so far. Pulling data and commentary from 17 of DCN’s publisher members during the first half of…

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What Is Deal ID?

If you’re working on executing a preferred deal in the programmatic market, there’s a pretty strong chance a Deal ID will play a big part in making it happen. Without Deal IDs, it’s hard to imagine private marketplaces being able to scale the way they have. With a PMP, you…

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The End Is Not Nigh for Digital Advertising

Last June, a major revenue guy from Medium spoke at AdMonsters’ Ops conference, laying out a fascinating native advertising model transacted on a time-spent basis. It was a bold plan that sparked a great deal of conversation throughout the event.So you can imagine I was disheartened when reading Ev Williams’…

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