Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

Spread of Bad Ads Pretty Terrible, Confiant Reports

In its eye-opening new report on ad quality , Confiant finds that 1 out of every 200 ad impressions from the open exchanges is malvertising. If 1 trillion ads are being served through the open marketplace monthly, Confiant estimates that 5 billion are malicious. Make sure you have smelling salts…

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All Viewable, All the Time: AttentionX Marketplace

"We think that CPM-based buying leveraging optimization on attention metrics... can drive significant positive changes for the industry without requiring massive upheaval for buyers." 33Across CEO and Cofounder Eric Wheeler explains the features of the just-launched AttentionX exchange, an open programmatic marketplace where all inventory is viewable.

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The Drawbacks of AI-Based Dynamic Inventory Pricing

We seem to be in that sweet moment where artificial intelligence (actually advanced machine learning, but who are we to split hairs?) is more than just buzz and potential, but before the machines have enslaved us and forced us to farm their massive energon cube plantations. That day is coming—I…

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Capturing That Elusive SMB Spend

Facebook reels from another tornado of scandals, yet their advertising business is going gangbusters. Seems weird, right? Well, no—the Duopoly thrives on small and mid-size advertisers that can't find viable alternatives in digital media. But Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway sees an opportunity to grab a slice of that pie at…

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Pub Demand Partners Get a Haircut

We've been hearing at Publisher Forums for a while now that pubs are shedding demand partners rather than on-boarding them. Now we've got the data to back it up—and the drop is dramatic. Oh, and guess who else is doing a bit of culling? Advertisers are shaking loose DMPs fast.

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ADM-NL-20180705-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 5, 2018   Death of DoubleClick, Birth of a Monster? So Google is merging DoubleClick and AdExchange, creating Google Ad Manager (and creating an opportunity for loads of GAM jokes). Is this, Gavin Dunaway asks, a merger made in hell?? Here, he gives a shot at understanding Google's…

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Death of DoubleClick, Birth of a Monster?

Cleaning out my apartment to prepare for a new family member, I came across an old, dusty travel mug that I don’t think had ever been used. (Travel mugs are useless for an espresso snob like moi.) Emblazoned on its side was a DoubleClick logo so old that I honestly…

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ADM-NL-20180607-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 14, 2018   Let's Have Some Fun: Photos and Tweets From Ops 2018 Ops 2018 was a learning experience, and a deep one. But the cool thing about Ops is, we have fun with it. We pulled some of the best on-site photos and Tweets from June 4-5…

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ADM-NL-20180607-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 7, 2018   AdMonsters Playbook: Demand Partner Evaluation and Ad Quality We listened to the conversations publishers had about how they're treating relationships with demand partners. We launched a survey for pubs to tell us more. And now!... This new playbook, developed with GeoEdge, lays out new ground…

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