Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

How USA TODAY Sports Is Developing First-Party Authentication Strategies for Building Consumer Trust

Jason White, SVP and Head of Publishers, LiveRamp, and Chris Pirrone, General Manager, USA TODAY, Sports Media Group, take AdMonsters Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, on a deep dive discussion into the world of publisher first-party authentication strategies. "If cookies were the currency before, the gold is that relationship with…

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Cleaning Up the Programmatic Supply Chain 

The advertising ecosystem has a huge opportunity to create a more transparent programmatic supply chain, where SSPs, brands, ad tech vendors, and agencies alike can commit to using new tools and tactics to improve how they work with publishers. By enhancing the control and transparency in the programmatic supply chain, we will ultimately…

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Audio Is Booming, But Can We Keep It Fraud-Free?

We've been wondering if this rush of ad dollars coming into the audio pipeline and move to streamline the ad supply chain with programmatic is opening the door for fraud to invade the quickly growing podcast and audio advertising ecosystem. So, we turned to Ryan Adams, SVP of Partnerships at…

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Fast Food Brands Hungry For Data

When McDonalds bought Dynamic Yield for $300 million in 2019, one of the benchmarks for the deal was whether the recommendation platform could help increase drive-through sales in the U.S. by 1% overall. Meanwhile, Yum Brands acquired the AI division of Kvantum, a performance marketing firm to use the platform…

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In Defense of the Privacy Sandbox

February 16, 2021 Google's Privacy Engineer Defends Sandbox Ads for Weapons Spike Around the Capitol Riots Big Tech Finally Paying Pubs For Content? Clubhouse Craze Google Engineer Defends Privacy Sandbox Plans While the imminent death of third-party cookies has not been exaggerated, Google’s proposed suite of privacy-minded tools for advertisers,…

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Pubs Want SSPs to Offer More Reporting and Advocacy

As the imminent death of third-party cookies and Google’s push for FLoC creates new headaches, publishers want to know that every SSP they work with has their back and that they are navigating the changes together. What’s more, they want to make sure their SSPs provide truly personalized service, reporting,…

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Can AI Solve Content Marketing’s ROI Conundrum?

ROI has long been the bane of content marketing. Marketers know they need it, but understanding how it's being used and figuring out how it's moving consumers down the funnel has long been a challenge. Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, spoke with Peyman Nilforoush, CEO and Co-Founder of inPowered about…

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