Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

ADM-NL-20210715-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 15, 2021   What Are Publisher Cohorts? The upcoming loss of third-party identifiers within Chrome, and the changes that Apple has already made in that space, means that first-party data is in a strong position. Losing cross-domain identifiers only strengthens publishers’ first-party data, as a viable option for advertisers…

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ADM-NL-20210708-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 8, 2021   The Future—and Present—of Bidstream Efficiency Lies with Traffic Shaping While there are multiple reasons for the growing inefficiencies in the ad buying process, one of the fundamental reasons can be traced to the widespread adoption of header bidding. When publishers first began using header bidding…

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Tubi Becomes First CTV Pub to Implement UID 2.0

The Google third-party cookie crackdown might be on pause, but that's not stopping pubs from testing likely alternatives. Fox Entertainment owned, ad-supported video-on-demand service, Tubi now joins a growing list of publishers supporting Unified ID 2.0 as “the first CTV publisher to implement Unified ID 2.0 to solve for the…

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The Ad Ops Guide to Outsourcing

It never fails. At nearly every PubForum event, either IRL or virtual, the topic of outsourcing is something the AdMonsters Community wants to talk about. But unfortunately,  there never seems to be enough time to cover all of the intricacies that go along with determining whether outsourcing is right for…

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Native in Email: Blueprinting the Future for Publishers

LiveIntent recently launched Native Ad Blueprints, a solution for publishers to create scalable premium ad experiences in email newsletters, streamline their native ad operations, and better target, optimize and measure their native campaigns. We spoke with Nick Dujnic, VP, Marketing, LiveIntent to learn more about this new product, as well…

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