Search results for apachesolr_search/new media institute

2181 Results

A Three Prong Approach to Monetizing Inventory

Sweeping generalization time: Publishers focus direct sales efforts on maintaining a $20 CPM and when they can't sell it, throw those impressions to remnant networks and hope they get a $1 CPM for it. As I said, it's a sweeping generalization, but most publishers continue to struggle with getting CPMs…

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Thoughts from the Network Ad Ops Forum

This past Wednesday we co-hosted with IASH our first Network Ad Ops Forum in London and I think everyone would agree it was a great success. Considering that it was a first time event and over 70% of the attendees were attending their first Admonsters event, it was great to…

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The Importance of Having a Plan

During a great session "Ad Operations Optimization" in Prague at our European Publisher Forum, Jen Hanks put forward a question to the group asking how many people had 1 to 2 year plans. Few if any hands went up. At first I was shocked having maintained such plans myself for…

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Thoughts on the Publisher Forum in Prague

Last week was our 12th Publisher Forum in Europe and it was quite frankly a huge success. Prague provided a great location for the event and all of the sessions were quite interactive. I'll be working with the session leaders to see if I can get them to summarize their…

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What Traffickers Need to Succeed

This past Thursday AdMonsters had our 2nd Ad Ops 360 event in the US. Ad Ops 360 is a special event for us because it's an extension of our training programs and instead of a room full of senior Ad Operations leaders, we have junior and middle level ad ops…

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Ad Ops and Cloud Computing

Depending on how much you work with Google applications last week, you probably found yourself unable to access them or at least hindered by how slow things operated. #googlefail as it has been called set off a flurry of articles about the potential dangers of cloud computing and reliance on…

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You Have a Late Creative Policy Whether You Like It or Not

As we've been approaching our Online Technical Forum this Thursday April 23rd at 11am EST, the response that I've received about this particular topic has been very interesting. For many, there is great interest in somehow moving the ball on this issue. For others it's a foregone conclusion that publishers…

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Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like These

Peter Naylor, SVP of NBC Universal referenced John Lennon's lyrics "Nobody told me there'd be days like these" during his keynote presentation at AdMonsters' 20th Publisher Forum in New Orleans last week. The fact that we are in uncharted waters certainly permeated the entire event, but everyone was focused on…

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Overall Impressions from New Orleans

Over the next several days, we're going to recap some of the key themes and takeaways from our 20th Publisher Forum in New Orleans last week. It was another 'best yet' event for us and with everything going on in the industry today, it could not have been better timed.…

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Ready for New Orleans

Our 20th US Publisher Forum kicks off this weekend and I've been working with the members and sponsors on their presentations, helping develop what I think will be a 'best ever' event for us in New Orleans. Our speakers have done an amazing job of producing their presentations as all…

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