Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

548 Results

Rob Beeler Named as Publisher of AdMonsters

Contact: Rachel Feldman AdMonsters [email protected] YORK (July 6, 2015) – Access Intelligence, a leading worldwide information and media company which acquired AdMonsters earlier in 2015, announces the promotion of Rob Beeler to the position of Publisher of AdMonsters, the premier community of digital media leaders.Rob Beeler joined AdMonsters more than…

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Forging Forward: Unlocking PMP Potential

The promise of private marketplaces is both alluring and straightforward. For brands, there’s the opportunity to reach engaged audiences of premium publishers with the efficiency of programmatic. For those premium publishers, there’s an opportunity to move inventory via programmatic, but at significantly higher CPMs than they can net in the…

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Publisher Viewability Litmus Test 2: Viewability Stumbles Forward

Download the latest Publisher Viewability Litmus Test here. (Note: You must log in or register with AdMonsters to download the survey.) From the Executive Summary: In April 2014, shortly after the Media Rating Council lifted its embargo on transacting display inventory on a viewability basis, AdMonsters fired out a survey to its…

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The Future of AdMonsters

As the founder of AdMonsters, I’ve been to just about all of our conferences over the years. At this point I’m used to the fact that you all aren’t there to talk to me, but people do often ask me why and how I started the company.The simple answer is…

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Solving the Talent Gap

 In my years heading up an operations department, I would dread hearing those words. Too often it was someone who wanted to stay with the company, but the allure of more money elsewhere was too much. Sometimes I could keep them with a counter-offer, but that only works so many…

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It Ain’t Automatic: The Manual Side of Programmatic

Ask someone to explain what “programmatic” is and they will invariably use the word “automation.” Makes sense, but automation for whom? For buyers, programmatic platforms certainly automate the purchasing of media across sites. For sellers, programmatic brings hundreds if not thousands of buyers their way without sales having to pick…

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#OPSPOV: Pettigrew Ascends From Ops to the C-Suite

Gawker co-founder and CEO Nick Denton sent the digital media world into a tizzy Wednesday by announcing he was stepping down as president and replacing himself with a group of senior managing partners to oversee the media empire. As I scrolled through the list of the anointed, I saw one…

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#OPSPOV: Template for a Publisher Viewability Policy

I can’t remember any change in digital media sales that has been as dramatic as the concept of viewability. It paves the way for efficiency and opens the door to exciting metrics – for example, the idea of selling based on attention – which are good for advertisers, agencies and…

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The History of Ops, Part I

“This industry is literally 20 years old,” comments Michael Alania, EVP at Outsourced Ad Ops and witness to the at-times insanely rapid evolution of digital advertising and the operations role at its core. “You look at where we are now versus where we’ve come from, it’s pretty staggering. And with…

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Live Blog: Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge

Today marks the hottest day of the year here outside of Portland at the Columbia Gorge. Today also marks our first day of sessions at Publisher Forum. Coincidence? Maybe. But, we like to think the blazing ad ops leaders in the house had something to do with the record heat.…

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