Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

548 Results

Sending Out an SOS on OMS

Maybe others saw the signs before I did, but I’ll admit to being surprised this past summer when Google announced it would be sunsetting DoubleClick Sales Manager (DSM) in 2019. On top of all the other major challenges they’re facing right now—GDPR, ads.txt, contextual relevance, Facebook, etc.—more than a hundred…

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Cut Data Thieves Off at the Pass

Often enough, when the topic of data leakage comes up, someone—whether they’re coming from a buy-side or a sell-side point of view—will say: “Hold on. Is this data leakage stuff real, or is a bogeyman?” Understandable response. This is digital media: Wherever there’s just the perception of a problem, you’ll…

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Data Leakage Is Real, Video Ad Activation Is Complicated

Agency Insider: Yep, We're Buying Publishers' Data Indirectly Digiday’s “Confessions” series most recently brought us a chat with a programmatic buyer at an ad agency. For publishers who fret over how much valuable data they’re losing to wily buy-siders, this more or less confirms several of their fears. The buyer…

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TAG Certified Channels: The Next Stage of Certification

(AdBeeler is a monthly column from AdMonsters' Chair and PubForum legend Rob Beeler.) Get ready to add a new phrase to your ad tech lexicon: TAG Certified Channel. Remember the beginning of 2017? If a full flashback on the events of this year is too painful, I’ll remind you that…

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Hey Digital Media Doomsayers—Did You Forget About Ad Fraud?

Repent, sinners, because the digital media apocalypse is now upon us. Even outside the trades, the news is awash in talks of corrections; discourses on the failure of advertising and why subscriptions are the only option; and pre-emptive surrenders of souls to the Duopoly. I hear bunker sales are through the roof…

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Jumpstarting Time-Based Transactions

You better believe I was bummed by the Digiday article suggesting that the time-based guarantee movement has stalled out. Those who regularly read my opuses know I’ve long been a huge advocate for this style of transaction because time (and really engaged time, which can be used as a proxy…

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What Is has already been the central URL for the Prebid suite of open-source header bidding products and projects. As of Sept. 11, 2017, is also the name of the neutral industry organization that will offer guidelines and development support for Prebid products. AppNexus and Rubicon Project have publicly led…

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Chrome Gets Into the Ad Blocking Business for Real

A few months back, Google announced it would be equipping an ad blocker—or something like an ad blocker, maybe more like an ad filter—into newer versions of Chrome. The new Chrome feature would filter out ads deemed overly intrusive to the user experience. At the time, Google suggested it would…

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Death of Flash #opspov

Adobe Sets a 2020 Expiration Date for Flash: Now What?

This morning, Adobe announced it would cease development of Flash Player by the end of 2020, along with its roadmap for killing it off with minimal disruptions to user experience. It’s almost surprising to finally hear it from Adobe—much of the digital world has been bracing for a Flashless world…

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