Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

548 Results

What Is RTB Auction Manipulation?

If anything, the last few years of programmatic have demonstrated just how vulnerable the real-time bidding environment is to subtle, behind-the-scenes changes that can distort campaign performance, create discrepancies in reported data, and ultimately waste ad dollars.

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5 Big Takeaways From Ad Week NYC 2019

There were quite a few recurring themes that emerged from last week's Advertising Week New York 2019 (henceforth referred to as #AWNewYork) that struck me as being of great interest to folks in the ad operations and ad tech communities. So after gobbling up all of the information and digesting…

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Ad Tech’s Curveball Keeps Amanda Martin Swinging for the Fences

Amanda Martin, VP of Enterprise Partnerships at Goodway Group, always knew she wanted some kind of future in advertising but it was the technology innovation that kept her there. During her keynote address, “Pubs and Agencies: Strange Bedfellows, Strategic Partners” at Publisher Forum in Scottsdale on Monday, November 4, 2019,…

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A Future Bright and Cookieless

Between a dusting-off of classical ad measurement techniques and some serious geeking out over first-party data, advertisers will find that, far from being the airless, suffocating hellscape they have been taught to fear, this new “cookieless” world will prove a hospitable and possibly verdant environment for measurement and attribution.

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Jeremy Lockhorn: Advertising From i-Frontier to His Own Frontier

“You can’t deny the impact of disruptive technologies in the advertising landscape,” says Jeremy Lockhorn, former Mobile Lead at Razorfish. “The Internet, the smart phone, social media, AR/VR/MR, artificial intelligence, and soon 5G. Each of these new technologies (among others) has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and offered an entirely new…

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Pushing the Malvertising Battle Upstream

Times are changing as publishers cull demand partners in the hunt for unique demand. Increased supply path optimization (SPO) on both the buy and sell sides means that SSPs must better cater to premium publishers to ensure they’re part of the preferred supply chains. To become better strategic partners with…

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Yes, Virginia: Blockchain Can Scale

I'm used to the eye rolls whenever I ask ad tech veterans their feelings on the potential of blockchain. I'll be the first to admit the term is sullied following an audacious hype cycle (even for ad tech!) and some scam-tastic initial coin offerings (ICOs). But the technology does seem…

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ADM-NL-20190627-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 27, 2019   Are Programmatic Demand Vendors Becoming An Endangered Species? Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet…

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ADM-NL-20190620-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 20, 2019   How to Earn Your Audience’s Attention: Vox Media’s Ryan Pauley on Building a Brand That Matters “The average user scrolls through 300-feet worth of news feeds every day—that’s the height of the statue of liberty,” explains Ryan Pauley, CRO of Vox Media, citing one of…

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