Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

548 Results

What Can Blockchain Really Do for Advertising in 2020?

Back in 2018, there was a lot of hype about blockchain saving advertising and Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson was riding the wave—high. Now that the hype is over, there are actually quite a few projects proving every day that blockchain and related technologies like cryptography and permissioned ledgers can…

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ADM-NL-20200102-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 2, 2020   2020 TV and Video Advertising Predictions The increasing shift from linear to digital is rife with challenges—OTT measurement is especially complicated, contributing to ad dollars not exactly following the eyeballs. Plus, tackling the convergence of traditional TV and digital is no easy feat, and there's…

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ADM-NL-20191219-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 19, 2019   2020 May Be the Year That Ad Tech Runs Out of Easy Answers One of ad tech’s chief promises was that it would finally fix advertising. The advent of real-time bidding (RTB) in the late aughts ushered in ad tech’s “Age of Easy Answers” where…

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ADM-NL-20190711-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 11, 2019   The Future of Email Monetization: A Conversation With Powerinbox’s Jeff Kupietzky We’ve been hearing about the death of email for a really long time now. But that’s not the case, says Jeff Kupietzky, CEO at PowerInbox, which brings publishers and advertisers together to monetize email…

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Unified IDs Up, Cookies Down: Q&A With Index Exchange

The industry doesn’t need a direct replacement for the third-party tracking cookie, and there are already a variety of solutions out there to take its place without mentioning Google’s budding privacy sandbox. To dive further into the many identification options circling around the industry, I caught up with one of…

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Turnin’ 50 Ain’t That Bad

Each and every Pub Forum is an experience. AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler, sometimes wishes we didn’t call it a conference. “The AdMonsters Experience, Santa Monica 2020” sounds pretty cool, no? It’s because of this, he finds it hard to identify a “favorite Pub Forum” or “favorite location." Here’s his attempt…

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