Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

548 Results

Facebook Ads & iOS 14: What Can You Do to Overcome Data Loss?

If you’ve looked at your Facebook ads data recently, you might be worried about your dwindling conversion insight. Starting with Safari and Mozilla’s default blocking of cross-site tracking since the release of ITP 2.1, continuing with the rollout of Limited Data Use that limited tracking in California to comply with…

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How USA TODAY Sports Is Developing First-Party Authentication Strategies for Building Consumer Trust

Jason White, SVP and Head of Publishers, LiveRamp, and Chris Pirrone, General Manager, USA TODAY, Sports Media Group, take AdMonsters Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, on a deep dive discussion into the world of publisher first-party authentication strategies. "If cookies were the currency before, the gold is that relationship with…

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Maximizing the Value of First-Party Data

In preparation for our upcoming webinar with Permutive: Vox Media’s Approach to a Changing Media Landscape, Tuesday, April 27, 1 PM ET, (Register now!), I spoke with Michael Ogunjobi, Customer Success Lead, Permutive, about how publishers can fully maximize the value of their first-party data and demonstrate that value to…

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Cleaning Up the Programmatic Supply Chain 

The advertising ecosystem has a huge opportunity to create a more transparent programmatic supply chain, where SSPs, brands, ad tech vendors, and agencies alike can commit to using new tools and tactics to improve how they work with publishers. By enhancing the control and transparency in the programmatic supply chain, we will ultimately…

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ADM-NL-20210325-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters March 25, 2021   First-Party Data Transformation: Driving Cultural Change As damaging as COVID-19 has been to publishers’ revenues, it has presented them with an opportunity to rethink their business models with a focus on building their first-party data strategies. Publishers are finding themselves in a new world that’s…

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The Future of Advertising Should Be Open Sourced

A couple of weeks ago, we hosted a ThinkTank with AdPushup and a group of Monsters to discuss latency, UX, and their impact on revenue.  The conversation quickly evolved into how the cookie's demise might affect latency, UX, and by extension, revenue. AdPushup's Director of Publisher Development, Dikshant Joshi, shared some…

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CPRA Is Here…Here’s What You Need To Know

"CCPA does give consumers some rights and has some business obligations, but it's really a law focused on third-party data sharing. And if you look at GDPR, it's much more encompassing than that. CPRA bridges that gap," shared Jessica B. Lee, Partner, Co-Chair, Privacy, Security & Data Innovations at Loeb…

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