Search results for apachesolr_search/magna global

719 Results

Publisher Forum

 Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow.Breaking News & Updates This event is now sold out. Any registrations from now on will be placed on a waiting list to attend. Register as normal for the waiting list. About the Publisher Forum "AdMonsters is 100% relevant to my daily job functions. It is the most…

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Publisher Forum

Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow. Breaking News & UpdatesFollow the discussion on Twitter @AdMonsters #publisherforum -Look below for speaker's twitter handles Last chance to register! Get inspired. Join the conversation. Take a look at the Speakers and Sessions below About the Publisher Forum "This conference is by far the most productive and inspiring that…

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OPS – London I

Grange St Pauls, London OPS is for online advertising leaders. Tackle the big issues and learn to leverage operations for increased profitability. Breaking News & Updates  Ben Wood MD, iProspect to replace Louisa Wong for iProspect's session Significant discounts available from our Associate Sponsors: AOP UK, IPA UK, OPA EU…

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A dozen reasons why OPS is sexy

The world of online advertising operations and technology came together yesterday at the first OPS conference. We at AdMonsters knew it was time for an open forum exclusively dedicated to online ad ops, and it was a huge success. I heard tons of great feedback throughout the day, including my…

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OpenX presents “The Power of Revenue Serving” at AdMonsters OPS

On Thurs, Sept. 30th at 3 pm, OpenX Chief Technology Officer John Linden will address the AdMonsters OPS conference in a session entitled, The Power of Revenue Serving.  Learn more here.He’ll highlight the big challenges publishers face today: revenue pressures, sales channel control problems, revenue optimization complexity, growing buyer leverage…and…

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Thoughts on the US Leadership Forum in NYC

I hope everyone who attended the US Leadership Forum in New York this past week found it enjoyable and valuable. As always I was in awe of being surrounded by so many smart people. Events such as the Leadership Forum are such a great way to not only learn from…

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The Secret Sauce

The United Kingdom has been at the cutting edge of digital advertising for a number of years, a harbinger of technology adoption and industry growth trends across the rest of Europe and the world. This has benefits and challenges. Robust adoption rates and forward-thinking customers means greater revenue opportunities, but…

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Using Simple Scripts to Acquire Vendor Rich Media Data

As anyone who has had to pull data from rich media providers knows, the process can be tedious and error prone and the reporting interfaces tend to be cumbersome. Many Ad Ops teams wait until the end of the month to reconcile serving discrepancies. Unfortunately that means that any significant…

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Democratizing Access to Display

As we all know, display advertising can be operationally difficult across numerous elements. For advertisers, complexities arise in buying inventory, reaching the right users, and understanding the effectiveness of campaigns. With the proliferation of ad networks (over 600 globally), it’s not getting any easier. And the media industry continues to…

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