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719 Results

ADM-NL-20201001-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 1, 2020   You Gotta Sell Self-Serve This past week we caught up with a number of mid-sized pubs to talk through a range of topics thanks to ADvendio. It was interesting to learn how the past few months went for them and a few common themes emerged,…

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PFV Video: Keynote Maguire Dispenses Pandemic Recovery Plan

"Trust is the catalyst of any recovery," shared Christine Maguire, VP Of Global Ad Revenue, TripAdvisor at AdMonsters recent PubForum Virtual during her keynote. Watch the video of her keynote below to learn more about TripAdvisor's five stages of recovery and action plan for continuing to build trust with employees,…

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ADM-NL-20200924-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 24, 2020   AdMonsters Playbook: Evolution of the Header We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals…

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ADM-NL-20200917-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 17, 2020   Actionable Audience Data and Inventory—No Cookies Required We spoke with Jake Abraham, President at Audigent about why he thought pubs seemed a little gun shy about identity solutions, how they should go about showcasing their first-party data as well as how Audigent plans to help…

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Is This the Rebound?

12 pm EDT To abuse a cliché that’s awfully abused these days, publishers are adjusting to a new normal where ad spend comes in fits and bursts. Many are still leaning heavily on the open programmatic marketplace, but there are signs guaranteed sales might be slowly returning. At the same…

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ADM-NL-20200910-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters September 10, 2020   How Publishers Can Get Paid Faster Media billing is like an Olympic relay race, the more adept you get at passing and receiving data the better chance you have of getting paid faster. Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier said, then done. Creative Operations and Digital…

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