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719 Results

ADM-NL-20211105-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 5, 2021   The Future of Publisher Revenue Operations: Benchmarks & Best Practices From third-party cookie deprecation to ColoPA, CCPRA, Apple, and the looming antitrust pressure on Google and Facebook, the business of digital publishing is being rebuilt. And while there’s no such thing as a crystal ball,…

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The Future of the Internet Is Complicated

September 23, 2021 The Future of the Internet Is Complicated FTC Coming After Big Tech and How It’s Built The Future of the Internet Is Complicated Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Apple, Google and Facebook really know how to throw a party. We’ve got pop-up ads on our Apple…

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ADM-NL-20211001-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 1, 2021   Selling the Value: What Publishers Should Be Telling the Buy Side About First-Party Data Publishers are growing optimistic about the journey down a cookie-less path, but not everyone shares that enthusiasm. Many industry experts cite a gap in education about the value of first-party (1P)…

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Is It Time for Pubs to Take Shoppable Content Seriously?

Everyone loves a good proof of concept before pouring hundreds of thousands, or millions, into an idea. Shoppable content is one such idea, and it’s a lucrative, proven, revenue model. When activations like shoppable content are woven through editorial content, the line is blurred between where editorial reporting stops and…

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Google’s SSP Security Ranking Slips

AdMonsters Advisory Board Chairman, Rob Beeler, caught up with John Murphy, Chief Strategy Officer at Confiant about some surprising findings in Confiant's Malvertising & Ad Quality Index Q1 2021 report. It seems Google has slipped in the SSP rankings. A perennial strong performer, Google experienced an uncharacteristic setback this quarter.…

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