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719 Results

Experience Comes First: Why Capitalizing on User Experience Is Key to a Sustainable Video & Revenue Growth Strategy

With steady increases in consumer streaming hours, creating engaging video content that excites and delights users and doesn’t interrupt their experience is paramount. Johanna Bergqvist, VP of Strategic Partnerships, talked to us about leveraging user experience strategies into higher CPMs and inventory value to build credibility and trust with your…

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Are You Prepared to Thrive in a Cookieless World?

When Google postponed killing off third-party cookies, it gave advertisers and publishers some breathing room. But that doesn’t mean that the advertising ecosystem is now completely challenge-free. Top of mind for the entire advertising ecosystem: data, privacy, and trust. These areas will have major implications as the ad tech industry seeks…

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What Is a Data Clean Room?

A data clean room is a secure, protected environment that enables two or more parties to bring data together for joint analysis with privacy, security, and governance rules in place. Data clean rooms are the future of data collaboration, but they’re not a new idea.

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Privacy, Consent, and European Rule-Breaking

  Powered by: February 10, 2022 Privacy, Consent, and European Rule-Breaking Ad Tech and Gaming Sitting in a Tree Snap and Pinterest Shine Privacy, Consent, and European Rule-breaking In 2018, GDPR came into law in Europe with the aim of protecting citizens’ digital privacy. The result? A seemingly endless stream…

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Call in the Addressability Task Force

  Powered by: January 13, 2022 The Cookieless Saga Agencies Turn to Supply The Joy and Pain of CTV Podcast Ads Now Click, Click, Click Trying Consent Again A New Wave In Mobile Marketing The Cookieless Saga: Is It Time To Call In The Addressability Task Force? We are just…

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ADM-NL-20220114-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 15, 2022   How AI Will Drive the Future of Advertising If you thought GDPR and CCPA added complexity to the digital advertising ecosystem, brace yourself: they were just the tip of the iceberg. Today, 69% of countries have adopted consumer data privacy legislation, and 10% have legislation…

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5 Data Privacy Trends to Watch in 2022

Preparing for privacy regulations, along with the death of the third-party cookie (and other identifiers used in targeting individuals and measuring advertising) is still as colossal a challenge as it was two years ago. So, what's coming to the data and privacy landscape in 2022? Expect more state-led privacy legislation coming…

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