Search results for apachesolr_search/magna global

719 Results

The Negative Effects of ID Loss on Advertiser KPIs

Emodo Institute took a deep dive into the wonderful world of marketer KPIs to showcase just how dramatically they were affected by cookie and ID loss. Most notably, the study uncovered that out of all the metrics advertisers use to measure campaign effectiveness, only engagement and attention appear to be…

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ADM-NL-20221202-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 2, 2022   The Future of Mobile Monetization: Q&A With InMobi's Ram "TK" Krishnamurthy In preparation for our upcoming webinar, The Future of Monetization — on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 1 PM EST — with InMobi and SmartNews, we reached out to Ram "TK" Krishnamurthy, General Manager…

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ADM-NL-20221125-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 25, 2022   Webinar: 2023 Malvertising Preview In 2022, there was a significant decrease in forced redirects. But malicious actors are evolving their attacks. Join Confiant's Jerome Dangu, John Murphy, and Eliya Stein for an overview of the latest trends in malvertising and to hear their expert predictions…

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Cookie, FTC & CTV News From PROGIO & AWNewYork

October 24, 2022 In the Cookies' Absence, Leverage Moments FTC on ANPR & Sensitive Data  The Time is Now for CTV Around the Water Cooler Publishers Should Leverage Moments Instead of Cookies Whether it's pop culture or sports, every consumer has iconic moments that leave a lasting impression. For example,…

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Bloomberg Shuts Down Open-Market Third-Party Programmatic Ads

October 17, 2022 No More Open-market Third-Party Programmatic Ads for Bloomberg TikTok is on Amazon's Heels Apple the Ad Tech Power Player Bloomberg Media is Shutting Down Open-market Third-party Programmatic Ads to Improve UX According to Bloomberg Media CEO Scott Havens, the publisher will end its open-market third-party programmatic display…

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What is IAB’s Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA)?

Another day, another way for the ad tech alphabet soup plot to thicken. But this time, it seems to be a step in the right direction towards unifying compliance across state privacy laws called the Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA). As of late, IAB and the IAB Tech Lab is committed to encouraging…

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