Search results for apachesolr_search/google web designer

1182 Results

Learn to Speak the Language of Video

The web has always been a more visual place than the print world that preceded it, but the rise in video consumption over the last few years has really driven that point home. Mobile, desktop, whatever device you have--if there’s a screen and a wifi connection, you’ll find people watching…

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Chrome Gets Into the Ad Blocking Business for Real

A few months back, Google announced it would be equipping an ad blocker—or something like an ad blocker, maybe more like an ad filter—into newer versions of Chrome. The new Chrome feature would filter out ads deemed overly intrusive to the user experience. At the time, Google suggested it would…

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Death of Flash #opspov

Adobe Sets a 2020 Expiration Date for Flash: Now What?

This morning, Adobe announced it would cease development of Flash Player by the end of 2020, along with its roadmap for killing it off with minimal disruptions to user experience. It’s almost surprising to finally hear it from Adobe—much of the digital world has been bracing for a Flashless world…

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Could Chatbots Kill the Search Advertising Star?

I can’t say I was surprised by findings from research firm L2 Marketing that Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is more likely to push Amazon Prime products on users seeking a variety of wares. There’s nothing scandalous in that—if I had an Alexa, I’d probably want it to look for Prime…

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Ops 2017: Have Ops Pros Become Storytellers?

If you bother Gavin, Brian and I while we’re in the throes of preparing for the day-and-a-half military precision exercise that is Ops, we’re going to complain about the number of speakers to wrangle and calls to make. I mean with 40+ sessions and the 70+ speakers, it’s a bit…

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8 Mammoth Takeaways From Programmania

“Digital Is Dead” read the first slide of Larry Allen’s keynote for Programmania on June 5, 2017. I don’t know if it elicited the gasps Larry was hoping for, but I could detect a certain sense of puzzlement flowing throughout the room of 200-plus programmatic specialists. Wait—isn’t this supposed to be…

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The End of Arbitrage? A Look at Ads.txt

Today (May 17), the IAB Tech Lab rolled out a new method for combating ad fraud, specifically of the domain-spoofing variety. It’s called Ads.txt, which stands for Authorized Digital Sellers, or at least it is if you really need to turn the word “ads” into an acronym in this industry.On…

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What Is Malware?

Malware is a blanket term that applies to any software planted on the user’s device with malicious intent. It’s come a long way from that old bogeyman of the rogue hacker launching “gotcha!” viruses, which captured the public imagination in the ‘90s. Now it’s a very different bogeyman, and malware…

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