Search results for apachesolr_search/data security

440 Results

ADM-NL-20190509-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 9, 2019   Ops Turns 10 The day before Ops 10 years ago, AdMonsters Founder, Bowen Dwelle, had an epiphany: Ops is Sexy. We had never discussed this kind of messaging before, says AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler. All I knew is that I was going to find myself…

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Ops Wrap-Up: Leave the Cookie, Take the Leap

“The death of the cookie has been greatly exaggerated,” claimed Jason Bigler, Google Ad Manager Director of Product, near the beginning of the 2019 Ops event in New York. You could hear the sighs across the Metropolitan Pavilion, feel the collective shrug of acknowledgement pass through the gathered crowd. Yeah,…

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What Is CCPA?

“Winter is coming.” - Ned Stark, House of Stark If you’re a GOT fan like I’m becoming, you know that’s the motto for House of Stark and it’s issued as a warning or a heads up that the House needs to get itself prepared—both literally and figuratively. In essence, it’s…

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ADM-NL-20190111-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 11, 2019   AdMonsters 2018 Salary Survey Is Here! 2019, despite all the gloomy news and overall uncertainty, publisher revenue specialists are surprisingly upbeat. The data we collected shows that 21% of respondents who answered the 2018 AdMonsters North American Publisher Salary Survey said they were fully satisfied…

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AdMonsters 2018 Salary Survey Is Here!

Despite all the gloomy news and overall uncertainty, publisher revenue specialists are surprisingly upbeat. The data we collected shows that 21% of respondents who answered the 2018 AdMonsters North American Publisher Salary Survey said they were fully satisfied with their compensation while 56% said they were somewhat satisfied. The same…

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ADM-NL-20181214-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 14, 2018   5 Ways Vast 4.1 Is Way Better Than Every Other Version of VAST It’s been a slow process getting the video ad industry to update from VAST 2.0 to VAST 4.0. But now that the IAB has introduced VAST 4.1, which includes major improvements over…

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ADM-NL-20181207-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 7, 2018   Is Storytizing the Future Of Advertising? It’s no surprise, the media landscape has changed dramatically the past few years—and continues to change nearly every day. The way marketing looks at paid, earned, shared, and owned is flipping. Because of this “The five Rs are becoming…

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